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Tag: Rick Hanson

Hardwiring Happiness Summary Hardwiring Happiness Summary

Hardwiring Happiness Summary

7 min read ⌚ The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence What if you were not meant to be happy? What if your brain was programmed by evolution to be sad so that you have a better chance to survive the jungle of modernity? Rick Hanson says: well, then we’ll just reprogram your brain. […]

Buddha’s Brain Summary Buddha's Brain Summary

Buddha’s Brain Summary

6 min read ⌚  The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom OK, we’ve encountered upon some kind of a pattern: When we aren’t writing summaries of scientists writing on scientific matters (the cosmos, the future of the mind, evolution, etc.) we are writing summaries of scientists writing about popular non-scientific subjects (like, self-help and […]

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