Powerful Proposals Summary
4 min read ⌚
How to Give Your Business the Winning Edge
Let’s examine the mastery of writing proposals.
Here, we summarize the essential traits of a “winner” proposal and explain why it must be given a more considerable role in doing business.
Who Should Read “Powerful Proposals”? And Why?
Despite the fact that the whole proposal process, formatting, writing, sending is crucial for business growth; the public rarely perceives it as an act of utmost importance.
“Powerful Proposals” is perfect for anyone who has the honor to write these proposals for its company, regardless of the industry.
About David G. Pugh and Terry R. Bacon
David G. Pugh and Terry R. Bacon have long-term collaboration behind them. David and Terry co-wrote The Behavior Advantage and Winning Behavior, and they are the founders of Lore International Institute, a consultancy and professional development company.
David G. Pugh also wrote Proposing to Win.
While Terry R. Bacon is the author of several other books including High Impact Facilitation, Selling to Major Accounts, Leadership Through Influence, etc.
“Powerful Proposals Summary”
Even though writing a proposal is a process that doesn’t get the respect it’s due, it undoubtedly creates a business value for the company. For you, it may seem like just another task, but Request for Proposal (RFP) has proven to more effective than anyone could have imagined.
Some companies deliberately don’t give priority to this project, just to test their workers or associates and evaluate their expertise in the industry.
Here’s what you should take into consideration.
External factors can hinder our personal growth, but the real game unfolds within the organization. In fact, companies don’t take into account the creativity and expertise needed to write a first-class proposal. Neglecting the importance of this project is like not showing admiration for a profession or individual skill.
Let’s start with the brief explanation:
After conducting extensive research, you are obligated to begin with the writing part, hoping that you’ll create a masterpiece that can finalize any deal.
Experts are divided – What constitutes a powerful proposal?
First, we must underline the elements that are common for all parties. For instance, most clients agree that a proposal should answer not the question, but the thoughts of the questioner. It must surpass the superficial reason and clarify any misleading information.
To create, build, or develop a mind-blowing proposal, you should bear in mind these facts:
- The project should offer a solution – Not so often we come across a proposal that immediately resolves any misconceptions and issues.
- Put the facts on the table – Proficient writers are aware how important is to have accurate information in order to make the right choice. Convince the board about your plan with an insightful, comprehensive, and fact-filled proposal.
- Take into account all the relevant details – Your proposal should convey a message, and it should be error-free so that it can be shared within the company as a self-contained document. It should be filled with all the applicable information.
High-quality or first-class proposals consists of six fundamental elements. It’s up to you to create a killer writing, that can really divert the reader’s attention from any additional concepts. You should arrange them in a manner that emphasizes the point or message that you are trying to convey.
A great proposal will:
- Focus on the other party, or in this case, the buyer – Devote yourself to the issue, and avoid covering other irrelevant topics. Otherwise, your proposal will lose the pull, and the energy emerging from it.
- Don’t make it too complicated, design an easily-absorbable proposal – Use charts, bullet points, and other elements to develop a unique and understandable plan.
- Write an engaging story – The story should subtly present your solution to the problem being discussed, and imply why your company can deal with this issue.
- Make a long story short by creating a summary – Learn how to briefly present all the relevant features of your proposal in an all-encompassing review.
- Don’t be afraid of a little competition – make your proposal comparable – Don’t try to hide anything, showing that you are open for a challenge gives you the upper hand in any “battle.” The “evaluation crew” should put weight on your ideas, and assess their strength and trustworthiness.
- No plagiarism! – Do not make it easy on yourself, by copying paragraphs from other documents on the same topic.
Deal with other bidders, by underlying your pros and the competitions’ cons.
Key Lessons from “Powerful Proposals”
1. A winner’s circle
2. The effectiveness of “Ghosting”
3. Inner Solution to an Inner Problem
A winner’s circle
A winning proposal is easy to spot but tough to find. How to notice such rarity? If the concepts in the proposal can quickly draw the customer’s attention, it’s more likely that you’ll come out victorious.
Nowadays, the quality is evaluated, by comparison; if your proposal concisely explains why your company is best-equipped to provide a solution to a certain problem, the client will pick you.
The effectiveness of “Ghosting”
“Ghosting” is one of the methods you can use to enhance professional and outmatch your competitors. Do you have any clue about their intentions? Knowing their plan can give you the competitive edge. Investigate, focus on their strong sides, and how will they express their views.
The key takeaways in the bid, act as a summary of the proposal, if you can anticipate those, and respond indirectly- then you’ve mastered the Ghosting Technique.
Inner Solution to an Inner Problem
Over time, proposals became more complicated and comprehensive. In the hope that the process will remain easily-digestible, RFP document spontaneously developed a new sub-element known as a summary.
Executive summaries should be visually engaging and sophisticated, for the purpose of being fun to watch and read.
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“Powerful Proposals” Quotes
Whenever possible, work to win customers first, then work to win their business. Click To Tweet Credibility is the price of admission. Click To Tweet A remarkable number of proposals not only don’t sell the sizzle, they try to turn meat eaters into vegetarians. Click To Tweet First and foremost, a proposal is a sales document. Click To Tweet Companies and careers have literally been saved or lost due to the success or failure of a single proposal. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Successful proposals are the difference between prosperity and financial collapse; they give you hints on when to withdraw your offer or to increase it. It’s like having a guardian angel on your shoulders, which follows your every move, and provides instructions.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.