The Laws of Human Nature
9 min read
Short Summary: In The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene, you’ll come across 18 life-changing laws, that will help you understand the human nature, why people act the way they do and how to remain vigilant.
Who Should Read “The Laws of Human Nature”? And Why?
Unlike most of the other self-help and psychological books, this one covers issues that seemingly elicit interest from the masses.
It gives us the lowdown on how to behave, and most importantly – how to act.
In other words, we find it highly inspirational and insightful, therefore, it’s safe to say that “The Laws of Human Nature” is prescribed for the wider audience.
About Robert Greene
Although Robert Greene has faced some unwanted criticism regarding the message he endeavors to convey, his books continue to fill in the bestselling lists!
The author of five international bestsellers:
– strikes again.
The Laws of Human Nature Review
Decluttering your mind seems like a hard work, which in fact, is. However, not tackling the toxic thoughts and sticking to your comfort zone can backfire on you, and leave you on the brink of emotional destruction. If you are still on the fence, we are here to help you out to pick up the pace.
The author merely wants to expose these destructive patterns and put you in full control over your decisions. It’s about time we put a lid on this constant chatter of thoughts and form judgments based solely on merit and rationality.
Be open to various methods, and subdue your instinct to jump into conclusions.
One can easily make mistakes, but that mustn’t be the cause of deep dejection.
In addition, let’s take a closer look at these life-altering Laws of Human Nature:
The Law of Irrationality
The first law interprets our emotional attachment to the decision making. Instead of perceiving the world through the lens of rationality, we lean toward emotions as a way of expressing our dismay over the issues that grab our attention.
Unfortunately, this is one of those things that we can’t inherit or adopt. It’s a mindset that must be cultivated in order to achieve a maximum effect.
The Law of Narcissism
It goes without saying that we are all narcissistic, at least to some degree. Anyway, to lower people’s resistance when introducing your plan, you ought to redirect that self-appreciation outwardly.
On top of that, pay heed to narcissists who are either passive or active aggressors and want to drag you into their endless drama.
Beware of their hidden intentions and envy.
The Law of Role-playing
You don’t need anyone telling you that people love to wear masks, one for each occasion – metaphorically speaking. Nonetheless, they often reveal their true intentions through various non-verbal cues such as facial expression, body posture, nervous gestures, etc.
By being able to spot these signs of insecurity, you’ll able to outmaneuver and be one step ahead of them at all times. It’s an opportunity one must not take for granted, to say the least.
The Law of Compulsive Behavior
Honestly, people’s character is tricky to understand. It is often the real pillar of the rinse and repeat process. To put it differently, people tend to sing the same old song throughout their lives.
You should bear this in mind, and grow fond of individuals who show signs of strength and courage.
Being aware of your negative patterns will help you keep toxic people at a distance. If you don’t comply, this law will get the better of you.
The Law of Covetousness
It’s strange but true that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. A philosophical illustration that shows why humans bend over backward to obtain something slipping from their grasp. You can use this momentum to create a mysterious aura around your presence and leverage that position.
It’s a great way to become an intellectual lodestar and earn some respect.
People love to explore the unknown, and playing by those rules could give you the upper hand.
The Law of Shortsightedness
The idea of maintaining long-term vision is too much for most people. They are lured by recent trends, opinions, and backlashes. These people who can’t see beyond their nose, often fall under the shortsighted category.
Keep your distance and associate with individuals whose goals are governed by a long-term perspective.
They rarely become victims to some brinkmanship and prefer calmness over reaction.
The Law of Defensiveness
It’s needless to say that over time people take up a defensive stance, and react fiercely when someone advocates for change.
If you want to ease off their resistance, you must urge them to alter their viewpoints but not by offending them.
If you want to take gigantic strides towards achieving your goals, one must strive for creativeness. Explain your noble intentions, and make them feel like they are in control of their opinions and patterns.
The Law of Self-sabotage
Whatever you feel, you radiate. By confining yourself solely to negativity and fear, all the people with whom you share as much as a word will sense the habitual skepticism.
Such an attitude will lower your chances of success, and make you more vulnerable.
It starts to sound a bit like a cliché, but a positive attitude is the only bridge standing between you and success.
Cultivating such a mindset will help you to get the best out of everything, and see opportunities where others see a trap.
The Law of Repression
People are not who they pretend to be. It’s in their nature to try and conceal the darkness that prevails in their heart.
Before you embark on a journey to observe the overall ignorance, one must become acutely aware of its shady urges.
By consolidating your enigmatic side into your personality, you’ll get to a vantage point from where you can act as an observer. This action ultimately has a pivotal role in your efforts to draw people to you.
The Law of Envy
The social construct of today endorses the struggle for position, status, and achievement. This, however, often stipulates a dose of stubbornness, which could be the fundamental basis for deep envy. Some individuals only wish to emulate the success of others, but not all of them.
Stay on full alert for unwanted attention and try to avert a potential conflict. Comparing yourself to others will only lower your self-worth and jeopardize your position in the societal circle.
Remember, actions speak louder than words!
The Law of Grandiosity
By all means, humans have a tendency to ponder about a lot of things. This includes our perpetual lust for success associated with the elevation to higher societal status.
Nonetheless, most of the time these thoughts take the shape of grandiosity – a far cry from the actual truth.
We strive to gain superiority, and in the process, we lose contact with reality.
As a result, we form irrational judgments and confine solely to fictional limits. Your attitude toward success must be brought into line with your overall contribution and the value you bring to other people.
The Law of Gender Rigidity
Truthfully, it’s not as straightforward as using a magic wand to subdue all masculine and feminine qualities. You have to work on your urges, and understand how this affects your thinking mechanism, and make you predictable and rigid in day-to-day encounters.
By eradicating these signs of masculine and feminine energy, you’ll introduce an authentic version of yourself to the world. You’ll no longer be obliged to act in a specific manner based on the features imposed upon you.
In other words, resisting the temptation to play gender roles will put you on the fast track to success.
The Law of Aimlessness
In the digital age, people have to outdo themselves on an occasional basis in order to deal with temporary disappointments and setbacks in life.
A sequence of defeats might not be the consequence of lacking direction, but it’s mostly the case.
You need the full picture before you are allowed to be part of the game.
However, as individuals, we prefer the short-term mindset, which leaves us exposed to threats that may occur in the long run.
With that said, it’s pretty clear as to why aimlessness is a dangerous game to play.
Having a perspective and envisioning the future is by all accounts the best way to tackle this sense of purposelessness.
The Law of Conformity
People want to give the impression of confident and self-sufficient individuals, but that’s rarely the case. We tend to pattern our choices after the group’s strides and inclinations.
Imitating the mob is due to the fear of facing criticism if unpopular opinions are laid out.
As much as we want to pull back from this group mindset, our lives are already infiltrated to the point of no return. In doing so, we end up deprived of our uniqueness and miserable.
The Law of Fickleness
When you absorb the role of a leader, brace yourself for ruthless treatment. Each mistake you make will be perceived as a chance for someone else to step up and take your crown.
The key is to hold your ground and withstand these attacks.
In the process, your authority will be questioned and your status might become the subject of inquiry.
A wielder of legitimate power must help people to see him/her as the rightful leader. Proficient leaders practice this craft from early on because they are aware of its side-effects.
The Law of Aggression
The world needs your energy, and people feel disposed to try every trick in the book to get the better of you. They try to fulfill their longings by outmaneuvering different persons and asserting their superiority on them.
Dealing with this group takes a bit of expertise and composure. If you remain only the observer of these aggressive moves, you’ll be able to stand your ground when things get out of hand.
Passive aggressors can be spotted from a mile away if you know the array of cues which correlate with their behavior. Aggressive energy is by no means bad! If you know how to channelize it, it will help you to remain bound and determined regardless of the temporary setbacks.
The Law of Generational Myopia
The generation gap is not a myth, because each new generation creates its own separate values and agendas. It forms the behavior of its members and compels them to exert a powerful influence on the world.
The problem is that yet again we are doing this at the cost of our innateness. We are restricting ourselves in terms of creativity, without casting a shred of doubt on these concepts.
Make strides toward uniqueness, not mediocrity and leave the generational narrowmindedness aside!
The Law of Death Denial
Death smiles at us all, and that’s the truth. Being aware of the unpredictability and shortness of this existence is truly a powerful tool one can embrace. It will help you to create a sense of urgency that will fuel your day-to-day activities.
Training your mind to think and act in a similar manner is undoubtedly a great way to achieve results much quicker. Don’t be obsessed with overshadowing others; just remain keenly aware of the mortality as an integral part of life.
Key Lessons from “The Laws of Human Nature”
1. Tackle the narrow-minded aspects
2. Use persuasion only as a last resort
3. Define your goals
Tackle the narrow-minded aspects
It’s not easy to shift your mindset when certain concepts are so deeply rooted in your heart. All whining aside, it’s a process of utmost significance.
By expanding your horizons, you’ll surely prosper more than you ever thought possible.
Use persuasion only as a last resort
Despite what others have taught you, the number of people who love pushy persuaders and influencers can be counted on one’s fingers.
You have to respect one’s opinion before you decide to submit yours. Don’t act as if you know everything!
Define your goals
Although we try to refrain ourselves from sharing cliché tips, this one is based purely on merit. How can you reach your destination without knowing your bearings?
It’s a simple process that allows you to move with confidence and withstand potential threats.
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“The Laws of Human Nature Quotes”
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Now we see why Robert Green is hailed as one of the best authors of its own time.
His methods are always authentic and most importantly practical, which means – they are applicable in real life.
We must give this one, a Thumbs Up and 10/10 score. We really felt like it reflects the everyday struggle of an average Joe.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.