Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Summary
3 min read ⌚
What describes a one-of-a-kind leader? The incentive to guard against any external factors that may jeopardize the stability of the company and as a result put the employees in a difficult position.
About Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek is the author of “Start With Why” and “Leaders Eat Last”; and he is also a non-profit consultant.
“Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe Summary”
When there is a threatening situation, out of instinct, people tend to adopt new ideas that apply to the rules. Sometimes these concepts are converted into devices, developed to enforce the rigidness of the system.
As an illustration, Simon shows this example – One day, a gate agent at the airport prevented a passenger from climbing on board too early.
The agent on numerous occasions explained its reaction: “If I don’t follow the rules, I could get fired or endanger my position.” Perhaps, such similar situation would not have raised the roof in other company that stimulates the employees to stick to the agenda without any exceptions.
Southwest Airlines, among them, is a firm whose roots are deeply connected to certain norms, which don’t endanger the efficiency and productivity.
If you want to keep a safe distance from corruption; show your unconditional support towards the employees. With the wind in their backs, they will improve the cooperation with the rest of the group, a mentality that elevates the company to the next level. Great leaders foster the employees to become moral and ethical individuals, a line that overlaps good parenting.
Protecting your employees’ interest is a responsibility for every CEO. However, many subordinates feel the injustice deriving from the disproportionately divided salaries. The art of betrayal is typical for many leaders, but it doesn’t serve the company’s long-term interests because it arouses a sense of deception and reduces productivity.
Unlike some of his fellow colleagues, CEO Bob Chapman refused to fire some of the employees due to the crisis that struck the world economy and inflicted a recession in 2008. As a response, he enforced the well-known four-week furlough program.
Instead of laying off only a small group of workers, he spread the stress and financial stroke evenly, at the expense of all members including the management.
We don’t know if you concur that real form of leadership can only be tested in times of crisis or not. Bob got more than he had ever bargained for, the employees with an intention to help those who could not afford any unpaid absence, swapped personal gain for compassion and friendship.
Evidently, rank and status don’t collide with leadership. Your authority grants you the right but not the command if you lack the ethical skills. Real leaders must exist at all layers, for the purpose of providing good care for their fellow colleagues.
Making sacrifices for improving the well-being and stability of others is a trait that is a rarity in today’s world. Nonetheless, leaders who put their people’s satisfaction first, deservedly hold the primacy – of true moral managers and decision-makers.
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“Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe” Quotes
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Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.