Are You Fully Charged? Summary
<1 min read ⌚
The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life
Having an urge for becoming a valuable member of your company, is not enough.
The real battle is not related to success but to happiness.
This book summary will help you master all the techniques in order to do a bang-up job.
Who Should Read “Are You Fully Charged?”? And Why?
Once you begin feeling proud of your efforts and transform yourself into a real “wolf,” the next steps will become visible instantaneously.
“Are You Fully Charged?” is an inspiring book that promotes a new mindset. Each and everyone should be ready and willing to revolutionize its ideas, for the purpose of exploiting its hidden potential.
Happiness, on the other hand, will emerge spontaneously as a result of proper mentality.
About Tom Rath
Tom Rath is a capable author and a researcher who place emphasis on the links between human attitude, well-being and doing business.
Among other things, he is lauded as a great author, which is logical considering the bestsellers he wrote such as How Full Is Your Bucket? and StrengthsFinder 2.0.
“Are You Fully Charged Summary”
There’s not a single person in the world who doesn’t pursue happiness. In the attempt to get there, we make some mistakes along the road. In reality, the society even links the hunger for success with achieving a state of pure self-contentment.
Not so many of us, are aware that when we are on the lookout for “things” that can bring us joy, we are mentally destroying ourselves. This recognition cracks many theories wide open and opposes the “stylish hunt” for momentary euphoria.
The bottom line is you cannot buy nor attain a state of delight if you are not fully prepared to transform your thinking patterns. In other words, happiness cannot be achieved or be presented as an award that is given after a series of adequately conducted tasks.
It’s a natural state, that’s often described as the end-result of a meaningful life.
This long journey starts with by understanding what’s keeping you down. The habit to react rather than to do something about your life is a problem of the highest order.
Honestly, when was the last time you did something that expanded your awareness and improved your well-being? You can’t remember? Welcome to the club!
Nothing can ruin your life more than your thoughts about yourself. How did you wind up in that position? There are a lot of questions to be answered before you can move to the next level and pull this off. Chasing signs of happiness is a wrong aspect to be worrying about; instead, you should feel grateful for everything.
People are obviously more interested in spending time on their smartphones, which causes mental distractions from the only goal you have in this life. Nobody is saying that you should not check your e-mail or do business via Internet, but having a policy in your back pocket is essential.
You know the old-classic motto – Keep the good energy flowing. This, not some repetitive quote that we would like to reestablish. Never forget, that the occurrence of good things starts from within. Spread that positive vibe and expect the same in return.
For instance, if you spend half an hour with the right person, who can lift your spirits, you’ll be dancing all week long. Energy exchange represents the embodiment for reaching inner joy, which is also a valuable asset that can get you rid off all negative emotions – that you’ve accumulated.
In general, even your performance at work will improve as a result of your dedicated attitude towards the well-being of your co-workers. It may even seem too optimistic, but that’s how it goes. Have you ever seen a depressive person who is productive and creative? We doubt it!
Once you boost your self-confidence, you can really begin to spread joy, and everyone around will enjoy your presence. Many people take competition too seriously; never forget to show support for your peers, and praise their efforts.
Rejecting to admit that they’ve been a profitable asset for the company is a self-destructive strategy. Remember, their success will be your satisfaction, not otherwise. Although most people disagree, we encourage you to try this approach.
Another secret when it comes to feeling fully charged is to seek beneficial experiences linked to the right persons and abide by their rules. Maintaining good and healthy relationships with people in and out of the organization will keep your sharp, and motivated to sniff out opportunities.
Positive experiences are not one-time treats. These energies have a long-lasting value and should be met with a straight face. Likewise, one must cherish these moments, and expect periodical delight, to turn into something meaningful.
A recently conducted study revealed that participants who agreed on a last-minute travel experiment were much happier after the trip than at the start of the project. What does that say to you?
Being flexible sure does improve your well-being and adds to your happiness.
Key Lessons from “Are You Fully Charged?”
1. Develop a fitness routine
2. Sleeping is crucial for sparking creative ideas
3. A new rule
Develop a fitness routine
According to a group of human behavior experts, a simple 15-20 minutes workout, can juice up your life, and affect your mood.
Rather than doing nothing, think about changing your schedule to fit with your new fitness regime.
Sleeping is crucial for sparking creative ideas
People often are misled with the idea that reducing the sleeping time from 8 to 7 hours is beneficial.
Remember, nothing comes before health and you should avoid abiding by such misconceptions.
A new rule
Despite what societal constraints have formed your opinion about life, it’s time to put your destiny into your hands.
Reject everything, and fixate your attention on the well-being of your family including yours.
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“Are You Fully Charged?” Quotes
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On account of these quotes, and key takeaways you should make a final conclusion.
From our standpoint, we enjoyed every bit of it, because it’s easy to grasp, and straightforward to implement the ideas.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.