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Category: Startups & Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint to Massive Success Summary

The Entrepreneur’s Blueprint to Massive Success Summary

5 min read ⌚ Create An Exceptional Lifestyle While Doing Business On Your Terms What is it that you really want? What are you willing to do in order to get that? What does being successful mean to you? Emir ZecovicEmir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and […]

Ted Talks Summary ted talks summary

Ted Talks Summary

17 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: In this New York Times bestseller, Chris Anderson, founder of TED, one of the biggest trends and technology events in the world, explains how to become a better presenter and more effectively sell your idea. It is a must-read if you want to learn how to speak in public. If […]

Creativity Inc. Summary

Creativity Inc. Summary

12 min read ⌚ Creativity is the force that drives humanity to innovate, design and create new things, never seen before. But how can we develop it and extract the best from it? Creativity Inc. presents the ideas behind the author, Ed Catmull, owner of one of the most creative film studios in the world: Pixar. […]

Mastermind Dinners Summary

Mastermind Dinners Summary

5 min read ⌚ Build Lifelong Relationships by Connecting Experts, Influencers, and Linchpins If you’re the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room. Mastermind Dinners is a no-nonsense, no BS, tried-and-tested, experience-based book. And I loved it. Jayson Gaignard wrote it in an honest, friendly tone and gave away the blueprint for how […]

The 7 Day Startup Summary

The 7 Day Startup Summary

4 min read ⌚ You Don’t Learn Until You Launch Quite a few things were achieved in 7 days, according to the Bible. You may not be God, but Dan Norris firmly believes you too can achieve something incredible in just one week: launching your own startup. In The 7 Day Startup he shows you exactly how […]

Startup Easy Summary

Startup Easy Summary

7 min read ⌚ A Step by Step Guide for Entrepreneurs The “get rich quick” scheme is no longer fooling anyone! We all know that unless you come from a wealthy family, the path to improving your financial position is paved with thorns, not roses. That’s the harsh reality, but it’s of utmost importance that you […]

The Barefoot Executive Summary The Barefoot Executive PDF

The Barefoot Executive Summary

6 min read ⌚ The Ultimate Manual for Being Your Own Boss & Achieving Financial Freedom Don’t you want to be able to just once go to work in your pajamas? What about if that is your life? Carrie Wilkerson teaches you how you can become “The Barefoot Executive.” (Which, having founded a company by the […]

Lucky or Smart? Summary Lucky or Smart? PDF

Lucky or Smart? Summary

6 min read ⌚ Secrets to an Entrepreneurial Life Could it be that billion-dollar-worth entrepreneurs have been merely lucky? Or are they – as the media would have you believe – much smarter than you? Maybe it’s both? Bo Peabody, a successful entrepreneur himself, answers the question from his own experience. So, find out whether he […]

Getting There Summary

Getting There Summary

7 min read ⌚ How does your life look like? Having a safe, boring, and unsatisfactory job, or consuming all your energy on building your dreams? Sitting on a chair and being a spectator, or fighting with the bulls in the arena. Accepting your life as it is and blaming the fate, or risking all for […]

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