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Category: Business Essentials

Get Better or Get Beaten Summary

Get Better or Get Beaten Summary

5 min read ⌚ 29 Leadership Secrets from GE’s Jack Welch GE has prospered significantly under the leadership of Jack Welch. You want to know how he succeeded in that? Or even better, you want to know Jack’s secrets? You’ve made an excellent choice of a book! Who Should Read “Get Better or Get Beaten”? And […]

Competitive Value Management Summary

Competitive Value Management Summary

4 min read ⌚  Achieving competitive advantages using a Finance Intelligence Radar Sometimes, you need to compare your company with the other ones, to see where it is positioned. You also need to improve some things and learn other essential ones. You have just found yourself a somewhat helpful guide to running your company. Who […]

A Brief History of Time Summary

A Brief History of Time Summary

5 min read ⌚ What else can be said about Stephen Hawking? – We can simply encourage you, to really dive into the center of our existence by reading the “A Brief History of Time Summary”. In this book summary, we outline the essential aspects in a nutshell. Who Should Read “A Brief History of Time”? […]

Consulting Basics Summary

Consulting Basics Summary

4 min read ⌚  A Complete How-To Guide to Help You Set yourself on the road, without turning back – otherwise, you’ll feel sorry that you didn’t claim what is rightfully yours. Consulting Basics Summary establishes the fundamentals to get success within reach. We summarize some of the key concepts found in Joel’s amazing, consulting […]

Practice Made Perfect Summary

Practice Made Perfect Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Discipline of Business Management for Financial Advisers The resources management even today draws a lot of attention at a corporate level. Practice Made Perfect moved by that same trilogy, displays numerous tools for handling strategic issues, and troubles with the allocation of resources. Our book summary endorses the same methods described […]

How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes Summary

How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes Summary

4 min read ⌚ What are your financial goals? Are you prepared to burn the midnight oil in order to comprehend the real meaning of economy? Stay with us!! We summarize the essence emerging from one of the best-rated books about economics. Don’t shy away, and give this classic a try. Who should read “How an […]

Capitalism and Freedom Summary

Capitalism and Freedom Summary

5 min read ⌚ In the 20th century, the world feared the clash between two titans, which could have resulted in a massive catastrophe. Capitalism on one side, Socialism on the other, created the Iron Curtain. Our book summary provides insights on Freedom, as the most critical merger between these ideologies. Who Should Read “Capitalism and […]

Wherever You Go, There You Are Summary

Wherever You Go, There You Are Summary

5 min read ⌚ Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life You have probably wanted to meditate or wondered how it is to meditate for some period of your life. However, although it may seem like a simple concept, you probably found yourself wondering about how it is possible to shut down your thoughts. Well, it is not […]

Our Posthuman Future Summary

Our Posthuman Future Summary

5 min read ⌚ Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution You are currently in the midst of a biotechnological revolution that reshapes your life and the lives of those around you. Do you wonder how the advances in genetics and biology are impacting health sciences? Do you think that these developments enhance or threaten human nature? You […]

The Book of Risk Summary

The Book of Risk Summary

5 min read ⌚ Nowadays, the need to protect yourself from risk is more dominant than ever. Deregulation created a more competitive environment, where you have to take chances to survive and succeed. The days of safety and instinctive governing are long gone. Today, risk management rules. What is risk management? Is it the elimination of […]

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