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Category: Management

Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

5 min read ⌚  Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity and Uncertainty to Save Your Business Nothing stops us from seeing that the world is set on new forms of leadership, the one that can cope with massive issues. Although not many individuals consider themselves worthy of being a part of this transformation, now you have the […]

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary

4 min read ⌚ “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary” promotes the book’s idea consisting of helpful methods for reaching success in the digital age. Not many would disagree with the theory, that we all on a deeper level crave to become millionaires. This book summary will give you insights on […]

CEO Logic Summary CEO Logic

CEO Logic Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive “CEO Logic Summary” – What is harder than running a company? – Finding people moral associates who don’t neglect anyone’s well-being! If one thing is missing, then perhaps that would be individuals who surely possess this kind of skills. Ray Johnson’s book […]

Career Warfare Summary

Career Warfare Summary

4 min read ⌚ 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand and Fighting to Keep It The battle for designing a brand strategy starts the minute you become decisive. The eagerness to endure is the difference between success and failure, since the economic situation is becoming volatile. Who Should Read “Career Warfare”? And Why? This […]

False Prophets Summary

False Prophets Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Gurus Who Created Modern Management and Why Their Ideas Are Bad for Businesses Today Americans have always strived toward building a democratic, egalitarian country. However, managers and management gurus have somehow figured out a way to “deceive” the public and vend the country to corporate associations. Who Should Read “False Prophets”? […]

The Value Effect Summary

The Value Effect Summary

5 min read ⌚  A Murder Mystery about the Compulsive Pursuit of ‘The Next Big Thing’ In this engaging corporate story, the value effect takes a quick turn and endorses a new management theory. Who Should Read “The Value Effect”? And Why? “The Value Effect” is perfect for people already involved in the world of […]

Top Management Books The Principles of Scientific Management Summary

Top Management Books

12 min read ⌚ The discipline of management is “one of the greatest social innovations of modern times”. In fact, the idea of managing processes is so ubiquitous and pervasive, that Peter Drucker, “the founder of modern management,” considers managers nothing short of the present and future torchbearers of ethics and morality. You can read why […]

Where the Money Is Summary

Where the Money Is Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Spot Key Trends to Make Investment Profits You have likely come across the term “the butterfly effect.” Who Should Read “Where the Money is”? And Why? The author states that if you gain a comprehension of these trends, you can settle on wise investment decisions now and later in the […]

The Momentum Effect Summary

The Momentum Effect Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Ignite Exceptional Growth See how momentum generates superiority, competitive edge and consequently leads to profits. Who Should Read “The Momentum Effect”? And Why? “The Momentum Effect” is proven to be a valuable asset for managers, leaders, mentors, executives, seniors, financial advisors, consultants and other individuals whose opinion means something. Frequently, […]

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