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Category: Business

Capital Gaines Summary

Capital Gaines Summary

8 min read ⌚ Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff Unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance to cover everything Chip, and his amazing wife Joanna had been through. But, we tried to be lethal in the delivery of their life-story, which will undoubtedly spark something inside you. Let’s have a glimpse of the stupid stuff, […]

Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks Summary

Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks Summary

6 min read ⌚ One CEO’s Quest for Meaning and Authenticity There’s a lot to be learned from the simple, selfless lives of Trappist monks, as August Turak discovered. His book is a journey to becoming a better person, a better employee, a better leader. It’s about becoming successful by focusing on everything but success and […]

Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students Summary

Why “A” Students Work For “C” Students Summary

8 min read ⌚ Get a degree, and you’ll at least become an upper-middle-class citizen, is that correct? Certainly not in this world. Obtaining a college degree is anything but a recipe for success. With competition skyrocketing in recent years, and jobs migrating to other countries, Americans have to understand finances before embarking on an arduous […]

It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work Summary

8 min read ⌚ First and foremost, it doesn’t matter whether you describe yourself as an entrepreneur or not. What does matter is your strength to improve the quality of your life, and not to sacrifice everything for the sake of nothing. Working on weekends and staying longer hours don’t imply willpower, but lack of direction. […]

Smartcuts Summary

Smartcuts Summary

5 min read ⌚ Everyone thinks of taking shortcuts once in a while. When we’re at work the temptation’s always present. But we know that’s bad form. We’re well aware of how success is achieved: by working hard, day in and day out. Still, is it enough? Maybe there’s another way. One that doesn’t involve cheating […]

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