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Category: Business

Love Is The Killer App Summary

Love Is The Killer App Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Win Business and Influence Friends Times are changing fast, and you need some tricks that will lead you to everlasting career success. Unlike what you may believe, the answer lies in the fundamental human emotions: love and compassion. In our summary of “Love Is The Killer App,” we show you […]

How to Win at the Sport of Business Summary

How to Win at the Sport of Business Summary

5 min read ⌚ If I Can Do It, You Can Do It If you are not a person who likes playing by the rules, then you are in the right place. In our summary of “How to Win at the Sport of Business,” we give you an overview of the unconventional advice on surviving and […]

Creative Capital Summary

Creative Capital Summary

4 min read ⌚  Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital For all one knows, venture capital was not a recognized term among the Americans, and the world 50 years ago. As the society progressed throughout the 20th century, we all saw the importance of financing and acquiring a start-up capital for transforming an […]

Inevitable Surprises Summary

Inevitable Surprises Summary

5 min read ⌚ Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence During the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, some disturbances hit societies all around the world. Japan faced economic hardships, as opposed to China’s and India’s growth. Who Should Read “Inevitable Surprises”? And Why? This world continually changes. According […]

Winning in Turbulence Summary

Winning in Turbulence Summary

4 min read ⌚ Think of your company as an airplane flying through turbulence. Just like air pilots, executives and company leaders flying through the turbulent economy, have to try hard to keep the company “in the air.” Who Should Read “Winning in Turbulence”? And Why? The narrative focuses on actual steps that companies of any […]

Spin Selling Summary

Spin Selling Summary

9 min read ⌚ We closely follow the changes that the sales industry has undergone in recent decades. In theory, selling is simple, but in an increasingly competitive market and with consumers becoming more informed, adopting a sales methodology can be a differential. Spin Selling by author Neil Rackham is a method that helps you ask […]

Business Communication Summary

Business Communication Summary

4 min read ⌚  Your Mentor and Gude to Doing Business Effectively Become a cool negotiator and a smooth talker by confronting your business shyness. Adopt a new approach that will enable you to form long sentences effortlessly. Who Should Read “Business Communication”? And Why? All things aside, “Business Communication” is particularly useful for consultants, […]

The Business of Software Summary The Business of Software

The Business of Software Summary

6 min read ⌚  What Every Manager, Programmer, and Entrepreneur Must Know to Thrive and Survive in Good Times and Bad You are probably aware of the highly competitive environment in which businesses function today. Have you ever wondered why some companies succeed and how “The Business of Software” can make that happen? Have you […]

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