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Category: Leadership

The Restless Wave Summary The Restless Wave PDF

The Restless Wave Summary

6 min read ⌚ Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations As his life is nearing to its inevitable end, John McCain feels the pressing need to cast a candid eye on all the good he had the privilege of experiencing and all the mistakes that he, unfortunately, made. The result? “The Restless Wave,” […]

Green to Gold Summary

Green to Gold Summary

5 min read ⌚ How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage Most start-ups face difficulties early on. Creating value in an overly-competitive market is not as simple as ABC. Although building awareness is not child’s play, there is always something that you can do. In this book summary, we […]

Business-Dō Summary – Hiroshi Mikitani Business-Dō PDF

Business-Dō Summary – Hiroshi Mikitani

7 min read ⌚ The Way to Successful Leadership You can translate this book’s title – “Business-Dō” – into “The Dao of Business.” Its author? A billionaire. Need anything more? Who Should Read “Business-Dō”? And Why? If you want to be successful in your business, read this book. It offers 10 principles you’ll certainly want to follow. […]

Leadership and Self-Deception Summary Leadership and Self-Deception PDF

Leadership and Self-Deception Summary

6 min read ⌚ Getting Out of the Box Even though you may not know it – you’re probably living inside a box. Getting out of it is easy. Especially once you read “Leadership and Self-Deception.” Who Should Read “Leadership and Self-Deception”? And Why? An organization is only as good as its leader. And “Leadership and […]

The Leadership Challenge Summary

The Leadership Challenge Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations Every once in a while, leaders come across a dead-end situation, which instigates a change of policy. Being in such position forces them to learn and broaden their knowledge; a mentality that heralds intensity and vision. In brief, we focus on the five core […]

The Evolution of Cooperation Summary

The Evolution of Cooperation Summary

6 min read ⌚ The Way to Successful Leadership It can be said with some confidence that developing into a self-motivated and compassionate leader requires mental resilience. Not all individuals can cope with the burden that derives from such responsible decision-making. In this book summary, we try to use the Prisoner’s Dilemma matrix to encapsulate the […]

Leading Professionals Summary

Leading Professionals Summary

5 min read ⌚ Power, Politics, and Prima Donnas Power and politics are not like fire and water – they are like flames and charcoal. If you get into the water, you’ll get wet. What we are trying to say is – many people fail to recognize the signs which indicate a foreseeable reality. Leaders’ job […]

Winning with People Summary

Winning with People Summary

6 min read ⌚ Discover the People Principles That Work for You Every Time Managing human resources as a process is in full-motion since the stone age. People aligned in groups to improve their chances of survival. These days, the cutting-edge technology grants us the opportunity to explore the magic in building strong and unbreakable bonds […]

Getting There Summary

Getting There Summary

7 min read ⌚ How does your life look like? Having a safe, boring, and unsatisfactory job, or consuming all your energy on building your dreams? Sitting on a chair and being a spectator, or fighting with the bulls in the arena. Accepting your life as it is and blaming the fate, or risking all for […]

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