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Category: Management

Supreme Command Summary

Supreme Command Summary

5 min read ⌚ Soldiers, Statesmen, and Leadership in Wartime A good state leader is not necessarily a good military leader. And vice versa. Contrary to the “normal” theory, politicians fight and win wars. How’s that? Scroll down and figure it out. Who Should Read “Supreme Command”? And Why? You still believe that generals and soldiers […]

Cultural Intelligence Summary

Cultural Intelligence Summary

5 min read ⌚  People Skills for Global Business Do you have the expertise to impart wisdom abroad, or at home? If you believe so, it’s time for the final test – Cultural Examination!! In this book summary, we underline the key takeaways, in a nutshell, linked to cultural differences. Who Should Read “Cultural Intelligence”? […]

The Jazz Process Summary

The Jazz Process Summary

5 min read ⌚ Collaboration, Innovation, and Agility Business is like music. Teamwork is like playing in a band. Read our summary of “The Jazz Process” and learn how to create a perfect balance between your creativity, and teamwork. Doing this will lead you to understand the business better, and succeeding in the market. Who Should […]

Macrowikinomics Summary

Macrowikinomics Summary

5 min read ⌚ Rebooting Business and the World The world is changing. So does your place in it. To thrive during the change, you have to join the evolution and adapt to it. In the summary of “Macrowikinomics”, we present you how technological advancements will push humanity toward digital mass collaboration, and how it will […]

Healing the Wounds Summary

Healing the Wounds Summary

4 min read ⌚  Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations This world has undergone significant downsizing in the previous years. Every action has its consequences. The consequence of all the cutbacks is the “layoff survivor sickness” which is responsible for fostering unhealthy employer-employee relationships. Read our summary of “Healing the Wounds” and […]

The Mindful International Manager Summary

The Mindful International Manager Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Work Effectively Across Cultures How often do we see preachers, who are not following their practices? That’s not the case here. Written in an easily-understandable manner, “The Mindful International Manager” speaks to all managers worldwide. We summarize only the most critical elements found in this fantastic classic. Who Should […]

Implementation Summary

Implementation Summary

4 min read ⌚ How to Transform Strategic Initiatives into Blockbuster Results You have probably heard that the most important thing in business is to have a strategy. However, that is not all! Even the best strategies are useless unless implemented into reality. In the summary of “Implementation,” we present you with the necessary guidelines that […]

The 2020 Workplace Summary

The 2020 Workplace Summary

5 min read ⌚ How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today What you used to think of as “the future” is already here. The life as we know it will change, and so will the work environment, the tasks, the people, and the sense of community. In the following summary, we present you […]

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