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Search Results for: leadership books

The Connected Corporation Summary

The Connected Corporation Summary

4 min read ⌚  How Leading Companies Manage Customer-Supplier Alliances After the oil crisis in the 70s, the economic progress took its turn. All are aware that those companies fortunate to survive the collapse, were forced to create new strategies and prepare themselves for the worst-case scenario.   This book summary answers the questions related […]

Unlimited Power Summary

Unlimited Power Summary

15 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: Have you ever dreamt of a better life? Unlimited Power will show you how to achieve the quality of life you have always wanted. Anthony Robbins has proven to millions of people, through his books, videos, and seminars that, using the power of your mind, you can do, have and achieve […]

Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

Leading in Times of Crisis Summary

5 min read ⌚  Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity and Uncertainty to Save Your Business Nothing stops us from seeing that the world is set on new forms of leadership, the one that can cope with massive issues. Although not many individuals consider themselves worthy of being a part of this transformation, now you have the […]

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary

4 min read ⌚ “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mastering the Inner World of Business Summary” promotes the book’s idea consisting of helpful methods for reaching success in the digital age. Not many would disagree with the theory, that we all on a deeper level crave to become millionaires. This book summary will give you insights on […]

CEO Logic Summary CEO Logic

CEO Logic Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive “CEO Logic Summary” – What is harder than running a company? – Finding people moral associates who don’t neglect anyone’s well-being! If one thing is missing, then perhaps that would be individuals who surely possess this kind of skills. Ray Johnson’s book […]

The Warren Buffett CEO Summary

The Warren Buffett CEO Summary

4 min read ⌚ Secrets from the Berkshire Hathaway Managers Let’s look what is happening behind closed doors in Berkshire. Warren Buffett’s CEOs offer their expertise on corporate leadership and explain how they come to an idea of inventing the “Buffett-land”. Who Should Read “The Warren Buffett CEO”? And Why? “The Warren Buffett CEO” is perfect […]

The Wizard and the Warrior Summary

The Wizard and the Warrior Summary

5 min read ⌚ Leading with Passion and Power Everyone wishes for the working environment to be a place populated with rational, calm individuals who make legitimate, astute choices without getting emotional or aggressive. Who Should Read “The Wizard and the Warrior”? And Why? The “The Wizard and the Warrior” is a practical and nicely written […]

Power Mentoring Summary

Power Mentoring Summary

5 min read ⌚ How Successful Mentors and Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships Let’s separate ordinary mentoring concept and the more unfamiliar “power mentoring” which allows access to an entire network other, unlike the traditional one which is based on one-on-one interaction. Who Should Read “Power Mentoring”? And Why? People with a passion […]

Managers as Mentors Summary

Managers as Mentors Summary

5 min read ⌚ Mentoring is like parenting due to the involvement in the wisdom sharing process. Who Should Read “Managers as Mentors”? And Why? “Managers as Mentors” is a wonderful “teacher” that shares some ideas about mentorship, as a concept of improving end-to-end processes. In other words, it consists of first-class examples which are supported […]

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