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Search Results for: marketing

Buyer Personas Summary

Buyer Personas Summary

10 min read ⌚ How to Gain Insight into your Customer’s Expectations, Align your Marketing Strategies, and Win More Business If you speak to thousands of people every day, the success of your endeavors depends on how much you connect with that audience with these potential clients, whether you are a blogger, a marketing professional, a […]

Business Model Generation Summary

Business Model Generation Summary

8 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: Do you believe entrepreneurs must design their ventures and new business beyond the traditional business plan? Alexander Osterwalder thinks so, and in the book Business Model Generation he creates a new simple, direct and practical methodology to develop business ideas, called Business Model Canvas. To prove that his methodology worked, he […]

Running Lean Summary – Ash Maurya

Running Lean Summary – Ash Maurya

11 min read ⌚ Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works Eric Ries in his book “The Lean Startup” created a world fever and flooded the business community with the word lean. The market seemed to understand that the lean model is essential to becoming more efficient in today’s competitive landscape, but with that […]

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