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Tag: Book summary

Doughnut Economics Summary

Doughnut Economics Summary

13 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: Doughnut Economics by Oxford academic Kate Raworth deconstructs the character of the rational economic man and challenges the necessity for never-ending economic growth by identifying seven critical ways in which mainstream economics has misled us, while sketching out an alternative plan on how we can satisfy humanity’s needs without overshooting […]

The Upside of Irrationality Summary

The Upside of Irrationality Summary

Quick Summary: The Upside of Irrationality is the second book by social scientist Dan Ariely, and it is a fitting follow-up to his first book, Predictably Irrational: if in his debut Ariely revealed the preprogrammed biases which instigate us to make unwise choices, here he shows the unexpected benefits (and, sometimes, downsides) of these decisions.

Big Things Have Small Beginnings Summary

Big Things Have Small Beginnings Summary

12 min read ⌚ Learn to Play the Great Game Want to be successful? Then you better learn how to play the great game. And the main lesson according to Wes Berry: Big Things Have Small Beginnings. Who Should Read “Big Things Have Small Beginnings”? And Why? Big Things Have Small Beginnings is a book about […]

Enlightenment Now Summary

Enlightenment Now Summary

15 min read ⌚ The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Did you enjoy Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature? If so, then wait till you get to know with its follow-up: Enlightenment Now. Who Should Read “Enlightenment Now”? And Why? Let us answer these questions with a question: why wouldn’t you read […]

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