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Category: Business Strategy

Crossing the Chasm Summary

Crossing the Chasm Summary

7 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: Published in 1991, “Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey A. Moore is still considered a bible for high tech entrepreneurs. It suggests that there is a chasm midway the technology adoption cycle, right between the early adopters (visionaries) and the early majority (pragmatists). And it explicates what a startup should do to […]

Fooled by Randomness Summary

Fooled by Randomness Summary

6 min read ⌚ The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets First time when I’ve heard about Nassim Taleb’s books, I couldn’t help asking: why is this author so followed, read, and admired? Looking for the answer helped me discover amazing things about him: his books draw a lot of attention. Plenty […]

The 7 Day Startup Summary

The 7 Day Startup Summary

4 min read ⌚ You Don’t Learn Until You Launch Quite a few things were achieved in 7 days, according to the Bible. You may not be God, but Dan Norris firmly believes you too can achieve something incredible in just one week: launching your own startup. In The 7 Day Startup he shows you exactly how […]

Switch Summary

Switch Summary

4 min read ⌚ How to Change Things When Change Is Hard Dan Heath is a Senior Fellow at Duke University’s CASE center, which supports social entrepreneurs. At CASE he founded the Change Academy, a program designed to boost the impact of social sector leaders. His brother, Chip Heath, is a professor at the Stanford Graduate School […]

Powerful Summary – Patty McCord

Powerful Summary – Patty McCord

9 min read ⌚ Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility At Netflix, Patty revolutionized the concept of efficiency by challenging the conventional methods of doing business. She should undoubtedly be accorded the status of policy-changer, due to her efforts. In this summary, we try to share the most critical findings. Stay with us! Who Should […]

Reinvent Yourself Summary Reinvent Yourself PDF Summary

Reinvent Yourself Summary

6 min read ⌚  Half a decade ago, James Altucher asked you to choose yourself. Now, he’s back with another advice: “Reinvent Yourself.” Who Should Read “Reinvent Yourself”? And Why? If you have heard anything about James Altucher, you probably already know that he is an incessant experimenter and that he absolutely abhors the idea […]

Make Mentoring Work Summary

Make Mentoring Work Summary

5 min read ⌚ The very core of creating value for your community revolves around the idea of having someone to teach you and gear you up for the unavoidable clash. Each organization requires a person with expertise to handle the toughest challenges! In this book summary, we turn our heads toward finding the secret recipe […]

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