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Category: Digitalization & IT

The Future of Work is Human: Building Strong Relationships in a Virtual World

The Future of Work is Human: Building Strong Relationships in a Virtual World

6 min read ⌚ The world of work as we know it is changing, and there’s no longer any denying it. Even this change is nothing new under the sun. Work has always evolved, and embracing that evolution will help you thrive. One area we should all adjust and adapt to is how we build strong […]

Reading Habits in Email Marketing and 6 Ways to Boost Engagement

7 min read ⌚ More and more people are doing their reading online these days, and the way we consume content varies widely. Some scroll quickly through social media, while others prefer to dive deep into e-books and articles. Thanks to smartphones and tablets, we can read whenever and wherever, but there’s a downside – too […]

Confident Digital Content Summary

Confident Digital Content Summary

5 min read ⌚  Master the Fundamentals of Online Video, Design, Writing and Social Media to Supercharge Your Career Are you looking for a way to boost your career? Perhaps, you weren’t looking in the right place! For the time being, it’s best if you test all your options and work out a compromise. We […]

Driving the Sustainability of Production Systems with Fourth Industrial Revolution Innovation

Driving the Sustainability of Production Systems with Fourth Industrial Revolution Innovation

6 min read ⌚ One can’t be blamed for feeling that the Third Industrial Revolution barely started yesterday, and the World Economic Forum says we are already in the midst of another one. The goal of this one? “Driving the Sustainability of Production Systems with Innovation.” Who Should Read “Driving the Sustainability of Production Systems with […]

The World Is Flat Summary

The World Is Flat Summary

6 min read ⌚ A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century Let’s run through what is triggering the 21st-century thought of free society. You have to think broader than merely moving your career into the fast lane. With this in mind, you have to strive to get the hang of the possibilities which are fueled by […]

How to Create a Mind Summary

How to Create a Mind Summary

8 min read ⌚ The Secret of Human Thought Revealed Humans are capable of doing so many things computers will never be, right? Show me a computer capable of thinking, writing symphonies, loving, etc. – and I’ll show you a flying pig. Don’t put your mouth where your money is, says Ray Kurzweil. Because you will […]

Hackers and Painters Summary

Hackers and Painters Summary

6 min read ⌚ Big Ideas from the Computer Age As far as you’re concerned, the world of intellect is sharply divided between two kinds of people: the math nerds and the creative type. And there’s nothing similar between them since each group is interested in two entirely different things. In “Hackers and Painters,” Paul Graham […]

Humans Are Underrated Summary Humans are Underrated Summary

Humans Are Underrated Summary

6 min read ⌚ What High Achievers Know that Brilliant Machines Never Will You know him as the author of the brilliant “Talent Is Overrated.” Now, Geoff Colvin is back with an update: In “Humans Are Underrated,” he explains how talent is not the only thing you can – and should – develop. Because the machines […]

The Idea Factory Summary

The Idea Factory Summary

5 min read ⌚ Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation The Great Age keeps moving full-steam ahead, striking every corner of the world. Neglecting the modern equipment and technology leads to disastrous results. This preview will give you a couple of inside information about Bell Labs, and their intentions. Who Should Read “The […]

Content Inc. Summary Content Inc. Summary

Content Inc. Summary

6 min read ⌚ How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful Businesses OK – so you’ve built a beautiful business website, but no matter what you publish there, people don’t seem that interested in visiting it? Can you do something different? Of course you can. And Joe Pulizzi has all the […]

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