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Search Results for: leadership books

Red Team Summary

Red Team Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Succeed By Thinking Like the Enemy Sometimes, we are blind to our weaknesses. Such is the case in life – and in business. In our summary of “Red Team,” we will offer you a way to solve this problem. The title is self-explanatory: the solution lies in employing red teams […]

Turn the Ship Around Summary Turn the Ship Around Summary

Turn the Ship Around Summary

5 min read ⌚ A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders Wouldn’t it be great if everybody in the world has equal chances and opportunities? And wouldn’t it be even better if there are no rigid hierarchies, so that you can be both a leader and a follower, depending on the situation? Of course, it […]

Big Winners and Big Losers Summary

Big Winners and Big Losers Summary

4 min read ⌚ The 4 Secrets of Long-Term Business Success and Failure Is your company a market loafer or a market leader? Which qualities define the two? In the following summary of “Big Winners and Big Losers,” we list those qualities that determine your destiny. Scroll down to find out how to stay in the […]

Get Better or Get Beaten Summary

Get Better or Get Beaten Summary

5 min read ⌚ 29 Leadership Secrets from GE’s Jack Welch GE has prospered significantly under the leadership of Jack Welch. You want to know how he succeeded in that? Or even better, you want to know Jack’s secrets? You’ve made an excellent choice of a book! Who Should Read “Get Better or Get Beaten”? And […]

Powerful Proposals Summary

Powerful Proposals Summary

4 min read ⌚ How to Give Your Business the Winning Edge Let’s examine the mastery of writing proposals. Here, we summarize the essential traits of a “winner” proposal and explain why it must be given a more considerable role in doing business. Who Should Read “Powerful Proposals”? And Why? Despite the fact that the whole […]

Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management Summary

Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management Summary

4 min read ⌚ How Top Companies Assess Risk, Manage Exposure, and Seize Opportunity One of the most important things you need to know in business is how to manage risk. It is impossible for a company to survive in a completely risk-free environment. In fact, some risks are worthy of taking. But how can you […]

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