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Tag: Book summary

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

5 min read ⌚  Confessions of the Creative Mind OK, we’re not going to lie to you: you’ve heard this story once before! “Things a Little Bird Told Me” is the story of Twitter afresh! The difference in the case of this book is that, unlike “Hatching Twitter,” it’s written by someone who knew the […]

Loving What Is Summary

Loving What Is Summary

5 min read ⌚ Four Questions That Can Change Your Life Stress is everywhere. It always has been, it always will be. It is part of the human experience. However, many times, we stress over imaginary situations, while having no real reason for unease. In our summary of “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie, we will […]

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