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Emir Zecovic

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.

The Language Instinct Summary The Language Instinct Summary

The Language Instinct Summary

4 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: Aimed at the general public, Steven Pinker’s “The Language Instinct” builds upon Noam Chomsky’s and Derek Bickerton’s theories and presents a cogent argument for a genetically preprogrammed short-termed capacity of the human brain to acquire and use language. How the Mind Creates Language Ever wondered how you are able to comprehend […]

Einstein Summary Einstein Summary

Einstein Summary

4 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: Albert Einstein is rightfully considered one of the most influential people in history. Walter Isaacson’s biography delves deep inside his life and universe, trying to unravel the origins of his genius and his unconventionality, and painting a portrait of one extraordinary person with a life-long sense of childlike wonder. His […]

Your Brain at Work Summary Your Brian at Work Summary

Your Brain at Work Summary

4 min read ⌚ Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long It’s the 21st century, so, of course, you have a problem with focusing and concentration. Fortunately, David Rock is here to teach you a trick or two. Because, even though, he doesn’t know you, he knows: “Your Brain at Work.” […]

Color Blind or Color Brave? Summary Color Blind or Color Brave Summary

Color Blind or Color Brave? Summary

2 min read ⌚ Racism still exists, and there is no need to stay quiet about it. About Mellody Hobson Mellody Hobson is president of Ariel Investments and a regular financial contributor to CBS and ABC news. “Color Blind or Color Brave? Summary” Even though we live in an advanced society, it seems that race is […]

8 Books That Will Change How You Think

8 Books That Will Change How You Think

4 min read ⌚ In general, we all live in a small little world, designed to support our goals and vision. Truthfully, this little thing that we call “mind” – is actually the end product of our thinking patterns. On numerous occasions, the world has shown that these thoughts and emotions come only as a result […]

Before Happiness Summary

Before Happiness Summary

3 min read ⌚ The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness, and Sustaining Positive Change Happiness is a mindset. Learn how to achieve it and change your life for the better with Shawn Achor’s “Before Happiness.” About Shawn Achor Shawn Achor is a bestselling writer, lecturer, researcher, and speaker. “Before Happiness Summary” Happiness is […]

First, Break All the Rules Summary First Break All the Rules Summary

First, Break All the Rules Summary

5 min read ⌚ What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently When you want to learn something, it’s always a good idea to learn from the most thorough. In the world of management, that title belongs to Marcus Buckingham. Co-authored with Curt Coffman, “First, Break All the Rules” is a first-rate management classic. Let’s find out […]

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