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Category: Business Essentials

Common Sense Summary

Common Sense Summary

4 min read ⌚ Who Should Read “Common Sense”? And Why? Common Sense was first published in 1776, anonymously. It sold in more than 100 000 copies within three months, and eventually, a half million copies were read in America. To understand the meaning of these numbers, you need to know that at that time, America […]

The Wealth of Nations Summary

The Wealth of Nations Summary

5 min read ⌚ How did the global economy become what it is today? What has the division of labor done for humankind’s transformation? This time, we are summarizing the main ideas of legendary theorist and thinker Adam Smith. Who Should Read “The Wealth of Nations”? And Why? Every serious economist knows deeply about Adam Smith […]

Full Catastrophe Living Summary

Full Catastrophe Living Summary

5 min read ⌚ Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness Do you ever stop and look around you? Or do you just rush through your life, chasing deadlines and achieving goals, while not enjoying the journey? What if we told you that the real path toward reaching all […]

Chaos Monkeys Summary

Chaos Monkeys Summary

5 min read ⌚ Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley The real meaning of success can never be fully defined since everyone perceives it differently and uniquely. From a professional standpoint, reaching prosperity is challenging due to various obstacles that might hinder your growth. We summarize the key findings, with the hope of delivering […]

Let’s Buy A Company Summary

Let’s Buy A Company Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Accelerate Growth through Acquisitions Contrary to what you may believe, mergers and acquisitions are not limited to big companies only. Your small company can benefit from an acquisition too. It is our job to make sure that you do this right. In this post, we offer you the basic checklist […]

Negotiate This Summary

Negotiate This Summary

5 min read ⌚ By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much The art of negotiation can be learned. Below, we give you the fundamental principles you need to follow to become better at the negotiators’ table. Who Should Read “Negotiate This”? and Why? “Negotiate This” is a book which will teach you the twelve underlying principles of […]

Great by Choice Summary Great by Choice Summary

Great by Choice Summary

5 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: “Great by Choice” is another master-product of Jim Collins’ in-depth decade-long market researches, this time written in collaboration with another influential management analyst, Morten T. Hansen. The question this time around: why do some companies take a nosedive, while others thrive in a state of crisis and chaos? The answer: […]

Black Box Thinking Summary

Black Box Thinking Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Surprising Truth About Success (And Why Some People Never Learn from Mistakes) Finding the perfect job straight out of college is anything but easy. We summarize the key elements, that will lift your spirits even if the odds are against you. Who Should Read “Black Box Thinking”? And Why? Black Box Thinking […]

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