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Category: Business Essentials

Anything You Want Summary

Anything You Want Summary

5 min read ⌚ 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur Now is the time to say – Stop, we’ve invented everything, or did we? You cannot stop the progress because it’s counter-effective. This summary provides a run-through of entrepreneurial findings, which will expand your horizons. Who Should Read “Anything You Want”? And Why? From […]

All Marketers Are Liars Summary

All Marketers Are Liars Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works–and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All It doesn’t matter if you are selling peanuts or cars. The same methodology is used to twist the minds of potential customers. We summarize the critical assets in selling “the story” and how marketers cash-in […]

A Year with Peter Drucker Summary

A Year with Peter Drucker Summary

4 min read ⌚ 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness The strange thing about leadership is – that it started even before we became aware of it. Our ancestors used to gather in groups, whereby one or several persons dominated the discussion. This early form of management represents the foundation for what we have today. […]

21 Days to a Big Idea Summary

21 Days to a Big Idea Summary

4 min read ⌚ Creating Breakthrough Business Concepts Don’t try to save the world! In this book summary, we reveal some great ways to cash-in your passion and more. Who Should Read “21 Days to a Big Idea”? And Why? Years and years of advancement has put the humankind in a position, where we can say […]

Million Dollar Consulting Summary

Million Dollar Consulting Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Professional’s Guide to Growing a Practice Do you want to be a consultant? We will show you how! Read on. Who Should Read “Million Dollar Consulting”? and Why? Many people who are not suited for the nine-to-five kind of life decide to use their knowledge, experience, and skills by becoming consultants. […]

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

5 min read ⌚  Confessions of the Creative Mind OK, we’re not going to lie to you: you’ve heard this story once before! “Things a Little Bird Told Me” is the story of Twitter afresh! The difference in the case of this book is that, unlike “Hatching Twitter,” it’s written by someone who knew the […]

The Third Wave Summary The Third Wave Summary

The Third Wave Summary

16 min read ⌚  An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future Unless you’re a teenager, you probably remember how the world looked like without the Internet and smartphones. Yes, that all happened during the past two decades. Have you ever wondered what will happen during the next two? Steve Case, the man responsible for your first […]

Love Is The Killer App Summary

Love Is The Killer App Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Win Business and Influence Friends Times are changing fast, and you need some tricks that will lead you to everlasting career success. Unlike what you may believe, the answer lies in the fundamental human emotions: love and compassion. In our summary of “Love Is The Killer App,” we show you […]

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