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Category: Career Skills

21 Dirty Tricks at Work Summary

21 Dirty Tricks at Work Summary

4 min read ⌚ How to Win at Office Politics If you believe that every day at the office will unfold smoothly as you planned – you are living in a fantasy. You cannot avoid being challenged by individuals who only care for their personal agendas. This book summary presents tips on how to avoid becoming […]

The Element Summary

The Element Summary

5 min read ⌚ How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything Ready for another insightful, thrilling and engaging book? We summarize the critical features of “The Element” and present to you in an easily-absorbable manner. Who Should Read “The Element”? And Why? Both Robinson and Lou Aronica, passionately clarify the route to self-fulfillment in a process called […]

Healing the Wounds Summary

Healing the Wounds Summary

4 min read ⌚  Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations This world has undergone significant downsizing in the previous years. Every action has its consequences. The consequence of all the cutbacks is the “layoff survivor sickness” which is responsible for fostering unhealthy employer-employee relationships. Read our summary of “Healing the Wounds” and […]

Is Your Genius at Work Summary

Is Your Genius at Work Summary

5 min read ⌚ 4 Key Questions to Ask Before Your Next Career Move Every person on this planet is different. Everyone has something they do better than anyone else. Find your passion and your inherent strengths and exploit them to the maximum. Below, we present you the summary of “Is Your Genius at Work,” a […]

How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary

How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary

5 min read ⌚ Winning Words and Strategies for Earning Your Team’s Confidence The managerial part is practical; every situation relies on separate judgment, giving the novice managers a headache. Our “How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary” contains all the elements to reduce this pain, and give you insights on the managerial issues and […]

Consulting Basics Summary

Consulting Basics Summary

4 min read ⌚  A Complete How-To Guide to Help You Set yourself on the road, without turning back – otherwise, you’ll feel sorry that you didn’t claim what is rightfully yours. Consulting Basics Summary establishes the fundamentals to get success within reach. We summarize some of the key concepts found in Joel’s amazing, consulting […]

The Empowered Manager Summary

The Empowered Manager Summary

4 min read ⌚ Positive Political Skills at Work If you expect that someone in a bureaucratic environment is going to empower you, you have put your hopes in a wrong place. To be an object of empowerment, you have to become an independent manager and change the organization to suit your needs. In “The Empowered […]

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