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Category: Leadership

The Mindful International Manager Summary

The Mindful International Manager Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Work Effectively Across Cultures How often do we see preachers, who are not following their practices? That’s not the case here. Written in an easily-understandable manner, “The Mindful International Manager” speaks to all managers worldwide. We summarize only the most critical elements found in this fantastic classic. Who Should […]

How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary

How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary

5 min read ⌚ Winning Words and Strategies for Earning Your Team’s Confidence The managerial part is practical; every situation relies on separate judgment, giving the novice managers a headache. Our “How To Say It for First-Time Managers Summary” contains all the elements to reduce this pain, and give you insights on the managerial issues and […]

The Empowered Manager Summary

The Empowered Manager Summary

4 min read ⌚ Positive Political Skills at Work If you expect that someone in a bureaucratic environment is going to empower you, you have put your hopes in a wrong place. To be an object of empowerment, you have to become an independent manager and change the organization to suit your needs. In “The Empowered […]

The Leadership Pipeline Summary

The Leadership Pipeline Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Build the Leadership Powered Company The Leadership Pipeline is a practical piece of material, which underlines the obstacles a person must overcome in order to find itself in the desired position or role as a leader. We move gradually and outline several principles in this summary, to help you […]

Derailed Summary

Derailed Summary

5 min read ⌚ Five Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures of Leadership  There are times when even Fortune 100 officials lose their jobs over blunders of judgment or conduct. Derailed examines all these occurrences. Such things always happen because they let their intrinsic nature to lead them somehow adrift. In this summary of “Derailed,” we summarize […]

Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace Summary

Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace Summary

5 min read ⌚ Rebuild the broken trust Maintaining a group cohesion was and still is the biggest challenge for the management. How would you feel, if you have this excellent idea and nobody is there even to listen? – In reality, that occurs quite often.   We summarize Dennis S. Reina and Michelle L. Reina’s […]

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