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Category: Leadership

The Everything Store Summary

The Everything Store Summary

16 min read ⌚ MicroSummary: At the moment, “The Everything Store” is the closest thing we have to a biography of the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos. Based on hundreds of interviews with him and the closest members of his family, the book details the rise and rise of Amazon.com, the online retailer of […]

eSCAPE Summary – Anik Singal

eSCAPE Summary – Anik Singal

6 min read ⌚ The 4 Stages of Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur Do you think you got what it takes to rise to the occasion when an opportunity presents itself? Is your mindset ready to cope with the pressure of decision-making? If that’s the case, Anik gives us a rundown of what is required of you […]

The Ideal Team Player Summary

The Ideal Team Player Summary

6 min read ⌚  How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues: A Leadership Fable If you know anything about Patrick Lencioni, you probably didn’t need that subtitle: of course, it’s a leadership fable, possibly one of your favorites! This one’s about “The Ideal Team Player.” Who Should Read “The Ideal Team Player”? And […]

Make Your Bed Summary Make Your Bed PDF Summary

Make Your Bed Summary

6 min read ⌚  Little Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe the World You want to change the world. Start off by making your bed. Don’t believe us? Then, let us rephrase that in the words of a decorated United States Navy admiral: “Make Your Bed!” Who Should Read “Make Your Bed”? And […]

Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work… and What Does Summary Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work... and What Does PDF

Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work… and What Does Summary

6 min read ⌚ The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging The good old carrot-and-stick method doesn’t work anymore? Well, times have changed! And there’s a new science of leading, energizing, and engaging! Time to find out “Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work… and What Does.” Who Should Read “Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work… and What […]

Confident Digital Content Summary

Confident Digital Content Summary

5 min read ⌚  Master the Fundamentals of Online Video, Design, Writing and Social Media to Supercharge Your Career Are you looking for a way to boost your career? Perhaps, you weren’t looking in the right place! For the time being, it’s best if you test all your options and work out a compromise. We […]

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