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Category: Personal Development

When Summary

When Summary

8 min read ⌚ The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing We all want to know “When” to do something or hit the perfect timing. It seems as if, many questions are still ignored and looking the other way has not helped. Daniel Pink sheds light on the process of building that momentum, and understand the nature […]

The Magic of Thinking Big Summary

The Magic of Thinking Big Summary

4 min read ⌚ Have you ever wondered why some people grow big while others just stop growing? If yes, then “ The Magic of Thinking Big ” book is for you. The author David J. Schwartz, is known as a motivational writer and a leadership development coach who published his first bestseller “The Magic of Thinking […]

The Gratitude Diaries Summary

The Gratitude Diaries Summary

9 min read ⌚ How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life They say that “gratitude is attitude.” Janice Kaplan knows this for sure. How, you ask? Well, because she ran an experiment for a year. You can read about the all but expected results below: The Gratitude Diaries. Who Should Read […]

The School of Greatness Summary

The School of Greatness Summary

8 min read ⌚ A Real-World Guide to Living Bigger, Loving Deeper, and Leaving a Legacy What does it take to achieve greatness? Start reading Lewis Howes’ The School of Greatness to find out. Mobilizing your energy towards your passion and turning it into a business is not easy; you have to work each day to sustain […]

The One Life We’re Given Summary

The One Life We’re Given Summary

9 min read ⌚ Finding the Wisdom that Waits in Your Heart Mark Nepo, the author of the eulogized Book of Awakenings is back with another classic of the same kind: The One Life We’re Given. Stay with us and get a glimpse on how to find the wisdom that waits in your heart. Who Should […]

Stop Saying You’re Fine Summary

Stop Saying You’re Fine Summary

8 min read ⌚ The No-BS Guide to Getting What You Want Not everybody is ready to cut through the BS and get to the point. Mel understands why motivational quotes and phrases are viewed with a negative connotation and wants to lift the veil on the stuff that actually yields positive results. Furthermore, she delivers […]

The Motivation Myth Summary

The Motivation Myth Summary

10 min read ⌚ How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win You think that you need a motivational speaker to get yourself motivated? Jeff Haden is here to burst your bubble: you believe in a myth, he says. The Motivation Myth. Who Should Read “The Motivation Myth”? And Why? If you are a fan […]

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