The Power of Self-Confidence Summary
6 min read ⌚
Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life
You know that you can achieve much more than you have achieved so far – but you’re having second thoughts over how to achieve it?
You are probably just insecure and don’t trust yourself enough.
And Brian Tracy is here to teach you all about “The Power of Self-Confidence.”
Who Should Read “The Power of Self-Confidence”? And Why?
Well, it’s there in the title: if you have a problem with self-confidence, this book is one of the best ways to start tackling it.
In other words, if you see yourself in a negative light all the time and are often paralyzed by anxiety and fear, you are living an unhealthy life, and you must read “The Power of Self-Confidence.”
It’s basically the Vitamin C to your scurvy.
This book can help you find a better job, win few of the most important battles in your life, and even a more loving and caring partner – possibly even the (wo)man of your dreams.
It may sound fairylike, but self-confidence is nothing less – just think of all the mothers capable of lifting a truck to save their child or those short and fat guys who’ve landed a number 10 catch.
What they’ve got and you don’t is self-confidence.
About Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is a legendary Canadian motivational speaker and the author of over 70 self-help books which have sold in millions of copies worldwide.
One of our favorite authors here at 12min, we’ve written a summary of many of them.
Some of the more popular ones (which we earnestly invite you to read) are “Eat That Frog,” “Be a Sales Superstar,” “The Psychology of Selling,” “The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires,” “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life,” “Focal Point,” “Get Smart!,” “No Excuses!” and “The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires.”
Needless to add, we’ve featured some of them among our top sales books of all time and our top productivity books to maximize your potential!
“The Power of Self-Confidence PDF Summary”
Bruce Barton was an American politician and advertising executive.
Once, he said something you should never forget:
“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved excepted by those who dared believed that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.”
In other words, the people who have done the most extraordinary things in history are the people who believed that they are special.
Unsurprisingly, Brian Tracy has opted to start the “Introduction” to his book “The Power of Self-Confidence” – aptly titled “Entering the No Fear Zone” – with this very quote.
What follows are seven chapters written in Tracy’s famously simple and legendarily motivational language which, if repeated as a mantra, is capable of making you believe that you are the king of the universe while you’re brooming the spiderwebs in the corners of your bedroom.
And what better way to start learning about the hidden power of your self-confidence than finding out its foundations.
That’s what the first chapter is about.
The basic idea?
Self-confidence is just another name for positive thinking.
You won’t make it far if you see yourself in a negative light. You’ve got to build your personality around personal values and positive thoughts.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said Shakespeare.
And he should know.
Chapter 2 is titled “Purpose and Personal Power.”
What it strives to teach you is that you have much more power over how the world looks like than you’ve ever imagined.
The Law of Correspondence says that the outer world is just a reflection of your inner one. To that, the Law of Attraction adds that, consequently, you can change it by changing the way you think about things.
The Law of Concentration teaches you how you can do this. Finally, the Law of Substitution educates you how you can crowd out thoughts by replacing the negative with positive ones.
“Achieving Competence and Personal Mastery” is the title of Chapter 3, summarized well in Vince Lombardi’s epitaph:
“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, no matter what their chosen field.”
In other words, if you want to reach someplace high, you better commit yourself to the idea and the goal.
Find your true place in this world and identify your own skills.
Then, you can start developing your talents and building courage and self-esteem.
Afterward, the sky is the limit!
Chapter 4, or “The Inner Game of Self-Confidence,” explains what happens inside your body when you stop worrying about things and start believing in yourself.
Yes – that means talking to yourself constantly so that you can stay on the right track.
“Capitalizing on Your Strengths” is the self-explanatory title of Chapter 6.
As we have told you numerous times before, your talent will never be enough. Especially, if you don’t really know your talent!
You may be the best pilot ever born, but will you ever find out if that sentence is true if you don’t hop on a plane and start learning the commands?
So, the first step towards capitalizing on your strengths is discovering them.
Then, choosing the right field where your strengths will make you unique and different than the rest.
Afterward, it’s all about knowing that you have chosen a job you like and a career you can be the best in.
Do that, and your self-confidence will come to visit your mind in no time!
Unsurprisingly, chapter 6 covers what will inevitably happen next: “Triumphing Over Adversity.”
You’re by now prepared for that bad moment on your journey – because adversities will inevitably come – but if you master just a few simple tricks more, you’ll also be able to overcome it in a whiff!
The most important thing is to develop the reality habit and understand that failure, rather than a bump in your journey, is a leader towards new heights.
This mindset will help you build a kind of character capable of persevering.
And that’s what great people are made of.
In fact, as Chapter 7 – “Self Confidence in Action” – points out, that’s one of the things great people are made of. You should base your life on three more.
Combined, these traits are called the four D’s of success and self-confidence.
And they are desire, dedication, determination, and discipline.
You’ll need nothing more.
Key Lessons from “The Power of Self-Confidence”
1. Welcome to the No-Fear Zone, Nick Anderson
2. The Secret Ingredient of Success: Self-Confidence
3. Learn the 4 D’s of Self-Confidence and Success
Welcome to the No-Fear Zone, Nick Anderson
We know your name isn’t Nick Anderson.
Unlike you, Nick Anderson was a great NBA player.
He scored two out of three free throws for most of his career. But, then, he missed four key free throws. This made him doubt his ability to shoot well. And, from then on, he was never able to score more than four out of ten free throws.
So, what happened?
He just lost his self-confidence.
And this is exactly how the lack of it affects your life.
Do you hear that call?
It’s time to enter the no-fear zone.
The Secret Ingredient of Success: Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is the secret ingredient of success.
As Bruce Barton claims – quoted by Brian Tracy at the very start – everything great that has ever been created was made by someone who believed to be better than the rest of the bunch.
Some may say that that’s immodest, unchristian, and downright narcissistic.
But Brian Tracy says – it’s necessary.
The world is a jungle and only the ones who believe they can survive – actually do survive.
Learn the 4 D’s of Self-Confidence and Success
Self-Confidence and Success are built on four different foundations.
Incidentally, they all start with D, making us think that Brian Tracy has used the dictionary to create the mnemonic.
It all starts with desire – the thing that drives you the most and the thing you think about most often.
Dedication follows – you’ve got to remind yourself constantly that you’re in it for the long run.
Which leads us to determination – the willpower, the grit which drives you forward.
Finally, discipline – because nothing will ever happen if you don’t organize your time well enough to make it happen.
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“The Power of Self-Confidence Quotes”
When you set more goals, try more things, engage in more activities, and explore more opportunities, your probabilities of success increase dramatically. Click To Tweet The foundation of self-confidence, the basis of boldness and self-assertion, is a deep inner trust, based on living a life of perfect integrity, and disciplining yourself to live consistent with your highest values in every situation. Click To Tweet In fact, the habit of setting and achieving ever-larger goals is absolutely indispensable to the development of ever-higher levels of self-confidence and personal power. Click To Tweet What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? Click To Tweet There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (epigraph, via Willliam Shakespeare) Click To TweetOur Critical Review
Denis Waitley – a guy about as legendary as Tracy – describes his buddy as “the master in understanding and teaching self-enrichment.”
Regarding “The Power of Self-Confidence” he has this to add: “In this priceless book, he unlocks the key to your door of success and fulfillment—belief in your own potential. Internalize his wisdom, and you will surely realize your goals.”
And we – well, we have nothing to add.

Emir is the Head of Marketing at 12min. In his spare time, he loves to meditate and play soccer.