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Category: Creativity

5 Storytelling Techniques to Captivate Your Audience in Marketing

5 Storytelling Techniques to Captivate Your Audience in Marketing

6 min read ⌚ It’s becoming harder and harder for brands to grab people’s attention. But stories make things personal and memorable. And in a world full of ads, storytelling helps brands stand out and be more than just another product on the shelf. It’s like having a conversation with customers, making them feel a part […]

Make Time Summary

Make Time Summary

15 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Make Time” is “a book about slowing down the crazy rush.” However, it isn’t a book about productivity, but a simple four-part framework (highlight → laser → energize → reflect) encompassing no less than 87 different tactics which should help you create more time in your day for the things […]

Problem Solving 101 Summary

Problem Solving 101 Summary

11 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Problem Solving 101,” in essence, is a decision-making book; however, it is not (like other books on the subject) a theoretical examination of our decision-making biases, but a simple and highly practical step-by-step guide to use when you need to make a decision or tackle an everyday challenge: the problem-solving […]

Smarter Summary

Smarter Summary

11 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Smarter” – subtitled “The New Science of Building Brain Power” – explores the obscure nature of human intelligence in view of a 2008 field-defining study which, for the first time in history, demonstrated that even fluid intelligence can be improved. Is it just a hype? Dan Hurley finds out by […]

Real Artists Don’t Starve Summary

Real Artists Don’t Starve Summary

14 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Real Artists Don’t Starve” by Jeff Goins takes a look back through the history of art to discover, surprisingly, that the story of the starving artist is just that: a story. In reality, guys like Michelangelo and Da Vinci were fabulously rich. Here’s your guide on how you can become […]

Inventology Summary

Inventology Summary

16 min read ⌚ Quick Summary: “Inventology” is a 2016 book by Pagan Kennedy which deals with five important aspects of the process of invention: the nature of problem finding, the role of serendipity in the creative process of discovery, the strategy of prophecy and futuristic thinking, the necessity of connecting unusual ideas together, and the […]

Reading Like a Writer Summary

Reading Like a Writer Summary

14 min read ⌚ A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them Want to write better? Well, it all starts with reading better. And Francine Prose is here to teach you how you can start: Reading Like a Writer Who Should Read “Reading Like a Writer”? And Why? Reading […]

Manage Your Day-to-Day Summary

Manage Your Day-to-Day Summary

15 min read ⌚ Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus & Sharpen Your Creative Mind Feeling unproductive? Well, you’re in luck: 99U has gathered some of the most creative minds of our age to help you! Now you can finally: Manage Your Day-to-Day. Who Should Read “Manage Your Day-to-Day”? And Why? Manage Your Day-to-Day is for […]

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