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Category: Management

Red Team Summary

Red Team Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Succeed By Thinking Like the Enemy Sometimes, we are blind to our weaknesses. Such is the case in life – and in business. In our summary of “Red Team,” we will offer you a way to solve this problem. The title is self-explanatory: the solution lies in employing red teams […]

Turn the Ship Around Summary Turn the Ship Around Summary

Turn the Ship Around Summary

5 min read ⌚ A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders Wouldn’t it be great if everybody in the world has equal chances and opportunities? And wouldn’t it be even better if there are no rigid hierarchies, so that you can be both a leader and a follower, depending on the situation? Of course, it […]

Hatching Twitter Summary Hatching Twitter

Hatching Twitter Summary

7 min read ⌚  How a Fledgling Startup Became a Multibillion-Dollar Business & Accidentally Changed the World, aka A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, & Betrayal “It’s good to have friends in business” – a famous maxim claims – “but you shouldn’t go into business with your friends.” You can learn this the easy […]

Excellent Sheep Summary

Excellent Sheep Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life You may think that people going to elite colleges end up being better educated than most of the people, but the reality is very different. Teachers, parents, and all kinds of figures of authority disable the capability of critical […]

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