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Category: Marketing

Unleashing The Ideavirus Summary

Unleashing The Ideavirus Summary

5 min read ⌚ Stop Marketing AT People! Turn your ideas into epidemics by helping your customers do the marketing for you. Think of your idea like a virus. It is contagious. It can affect people. How? Read on to find out. Who Should Read “Unleashing The Ideavirus”? and Why? Ideas can change the world. If […]

All Marketers Are Liars Summary

All Marketers Are Liars Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works–and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All It doesn’t matter if you are selling peanuts or cars. The same methodology is used to twist the minds of potential customers. We summarize the critical assets in selling “the story” and how marketers cash-in […]

Selling the Invisible Summary

Selling the Invisible Summary

4 min read ⌚ A Field Guide to Modern Marketing Do we have palls in this business world? The business community doesn’t feel sorry for the participants. In this book summary, we explain how it all started, and where is this going. Who Should Read “Selling the Invisible”? And Why? Taking into consideration the intense competition […]

12 Summary

12 Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Elements of Great Managing The 12 principles are perfectly intertwined and integrated into one system. Each one clarifies the connection between the management and the employees in terms of providing enough support to fulfill the daily activities.   Who Should Read “12”? And Why? Proficient management doesn’t serve as a guarantee […]

The Tipping Point Summary The Tipping Point Summary

The Tipping Point Summary

14 min read ⌚ How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Some say that significant changes don’t happen abruptly. For example, there are internal mechanisms which regulate if the name of a certain actress will become a popular choice among parents or not. However, Malcolm Gladwell is more a butterfly-effect kind of a sociologist. In […]

Life After the 30-Second Spot Summary

Life After the 30-Second Spot Summary

5 min read ⌚  Energize Your Brand With a Bold Mix of Alternatives to Traditional Advertising Are you into Marketing? If you plan on taking your products to the next level, it’s best If you learn more about the recent trends that are taking over the digital age. Who Should Read “Life After the 30-Second […]

Pre-Suasion Summary | Free Download Pre-Suasion Summary

Pre-Suasion Summary | Free Download

16 min read ⌚  A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade Just think of this scenario. A salesman comes to your house, selling encyclopedias. It’s the age of Wikipedia, so you don’t really need one. But, after half an hour, for some reason, you buy an expensive, lavishly illustrated Britannica published in the 1980s. Now, […]

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