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Category: Marketing

Trendology Summary Trendology Summary

Trendology Summary

5 min read ⌚  Building an Advantage through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: everything is marketing nowadays! Whether it’s permission marketing, Facebook marketing, blog marketing, micromarketing, or marketing 3.0 – it seems like it’s the ultimate profession nowadays! It’s the age of “how” – and not “what”! The […]

Hooked Summary

Hooked Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Build Habit-Forming Products You live a life that is formed by your habits. In the following summary of “Hooked,” we will show you how you can create and advertise products in a way that gets your customers hooked on it. Read on to find out all aspects of the Hook […]

Cashvertising Summary

Cashvertising Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone Selling is a fundamental activity. Yet, so many people face bad results, because they do not know how to advertise their product properly. To sell successfully, it is crucial to know people’s primary drivers […]

Powerful Proposals Summary

Powerful Proposals Summary

4 min read ⌚ How to Give Your Business the Winning Edge Let’s examine the mastery of writing proposals. Here, we summarize the essential traits of a “winner” proposal and explain why it must be given a more considerable role in doing business. Who Should Read “Powerful Proposals”? And Why? Despite the fact that the whole […]

The Ultimate Marketing Plan Summary

The Ultimate Marketing Plan Summary

5 min read ⌚ Make Your Mark, Communicate Your Message, Find Your Hook Three variables create the “beginner marketer kit”: knowing how to create a proper image, finding the best media vehicle, and targeting and reaching your audience. You will find this knowledge in Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Marketing Plan.” If we caught your attention, then you […]

Consulting Basics Summary

Consulting Basics Summary

4 min read ⌚  A Complete How-To Guide to Help You Set yourself on the road, without turning back – otherwise, you’ll feel sorry that you didn’t claim what is rightfully yours. Consulting Basics Summary establishes the fundamentals to get success within reach. We summarize some of the key concepts found in Joel’s amazing, consulting […]

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