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Search Results for: leadership books

From Values to Action Summary

From Values to Action Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Leadership lacking ethical and moral principles is doomed to failure. Make your presence count at any stage and put your analytical skills to the test. Who Should Read “From Values to Actions”? And Why? More than ever, not just the Americans but the people throughout the […]

A New Brand World Summary

A New Brand World Summary

5 min read ⌚ Eight Principles for Achieving Brand Leadership in the Twenty-First Century What Nike and Starbucks do when it comes to marketing and branding? Are they revealing some of their secrets inadvertently? – Nevertheless, you should identify what you would like to find out. Who Should Read “A New Brand World”? And Why? Armed […]

The Elements of Power Summary

The Elements of Power Summary

4 min read ⌚ Lessons on Leadership and Influence  Are you pursuing a leadership role? If so, being a leader is more than just having a decision-making authority. Manage building one-character trait at a time followed up by one relationship. Who Should Read “The Elements of Power”? And Why? Newer role models characterize organizational power as […]

Collapse of an Empire Summary

Collapse of an Empire Summary

4 min read ⌚ Lessons for Modern Russia Are you a history lover? Soviet Union’s breakdown wasn’t the end of the ex-socialist republics. Get the big picture of how The Russian Federation managed to conduct political reforms. Who Should Read “Collapse of an Empire”? And Why? In the light of discovery, people need to adopt a […]

Coach Yourself to Win Summary

Coach Yourself to Win Summary

5 min read ⌚ 7 Steps to Breakthrough Performance on the Job and In Your Life Coaching yourself is becoming a discipline not everyone can afford. You can help yourself by changing your behavior! Nothing is impossible, leave your worries aside and coach yourself to victory. Who Should Read “Coach Yourself to Win”? And Why? Attitudes, […]

Speak Like a CEO Summary

Speak Like a CEO Summary

5 min read ⌚  Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results A good leader puts its ego aside and uses sharp interpersonal communication skills to engage with not just their target audience but also with all the group members. Who Should Read “Speak Like a CEO”? And Why? Interactions on a corporate level, are often […]

Crucial Conversations Summary

Crucial Conversations Summary

5 min read ⌚ Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High The introverts are more in the need, for a real “verbal-expression training”. Knowing how to address the crowd is a five-star ability. We summarize the key assets for becoming an indispensable member of your organization. Who Should Read “Crucial Conversations”? And Why? To put it […]

Effective Apology Summary

Effective Apology Summary

5 min read ⌚ Mending Fences, Building Bridges, and Restoring Trust On the other side of the famous movie Love Story, a new asset is proving to be crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship -“I’m sorry.” We clarify why, how, when and where, should you use this thesis. Who Should Read “Effective Apology”? And Why? Saying […]

Peak Summary – Chip Conley Peak Summary

Peak Summary – Chip Conley

5 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: The subtitle of “Peak” is a summary in itself: “How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow”. Part-memoir, part-theory, the book explores how Chip Conley created boutique hotels giant from Joie de Vivre Hospitality by basing his business philosophy on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. How Great Companies Get Their […]

Trainers in Motion Summary

Trainers in Motion Summary

5 min read ⌚ Creating a Participant-Centered Learning Experience Every business-environment has a set of standards and or ground rules to form a collective behavior. Leaders, managers or any other decision-making body within the organization have to contribute to the building process of these standards. Who Should Read “Trainer in Motion”? And Why? The challenges occur […]

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