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Tag: Book summary

A Short History of Financial Euphoria Summary A Short History of Financial Euphoria PDF

A Short History of Financial Euphoria Summary

7 min read ⌚ Ready for a new speculative bubble? Because as John Kenneth Galbraith’s “A Short History of Financial Euphoria” demonstrates, if there’s one thing history has taught us it’s that there will surely be one very soon. Read ahead to find out why. Who Should Read “A Short History of Financial Euphoria”? And Why? In […]

Managing Transitions Summary Managing Transitions PDF

Managing Transitions Summary

6 min read ⌚ Making the Most of Change Whether you own a $100 startup or the largest Internet company in the world – one thing is fairly certain: things change. The key is to make the most of these changes. In “Managing Transitions” William Bridges explains how. Step by step. Who Should Read “Managing Transitions”? And […]

Two by Two Summary – Nicholas Sparks Two by Two PDF

Two by Two Summary – Nicholas Sparks

5 min read ⌚ No one should ever be forced to march through life alone – these are the concluding words of Nicholas Sparks’ penultimate novel, “Two by Two.” An emotionally charged story of love and loss, “Two by Two” is another gem in Sparks’ translucent bibliography. Some even say – one of the brightest. Who […]

Plan of Attack Summary – Bob Woodward Plan of Attack PDF

Plan of Attack Summary – Bob Woodward

7 min read ⌚ The Definitive Account of the Decision to Invade Iraq In “Bush at War,” Bob Woodward recounted George W. Bush’s responses to the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent War in Afghanistan. Now, in “Plan of Attack” he picks up where he left off. Which means – it’s time the American public learns of the […]

Applied Economics Summary Applied Economics PDF

Applied Economics Summary

7 min read ⌚ Thinking Beyond Stage One Should politicians meddle with the economy? And is economics truly “the dismal science”? Thomas Sowell tries to answer these questions by thinking beyond stage one in his exceptionally well received “Applied Economics.” Who Should Read “Applied Economics”? And Why? Whether you like it or not, economics and politics […]

Confident Digital Content Summary

Confident Digital Content Summary

5 min read ⌚  Master the Fundamentals of Online Video, Design, Writing and Social Media to Supercharge Your Career Are you looking for a way to boost your career? Perhaps, you weren’t looking in the right place! For the time being, it’s best if you test all your options and work out a compromise. We […]

A Farewell to Alms Summary A Farewell to Alms PDF

A Farewell to Alms Summary

7 min read ⌚ A Brief Economic History of the World Have you ever wondered why some nations are rich and others poor? Or, say, why some of the latter can’t get out of poverty regardless of their systems or the number of benevolent outside interventions? Well, Gregory Clark has – and for most of his […]

Happy Accidents Summary

Happy Accidents Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Transformative Power of “YES, AND” at Work and in Life Sometimes, finding the perfect mix of freedom and dedication may seem hopeless. Many people just can’t get out of the way fast enough because they are afraid of change. Learn more about how to adopt the right winning mentality. Who Should […]

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Summary The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 PDF

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Summary

6 min read ⌚ As its title implies, “The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008″ is essentially an update of Paul Krugman’s decade younger book, “The Return of Depression Economics.” Now taking into account the 2008 financial crisis, Paul Krugman is once again at his best investigating what drives economic growth and what […]

The Truth About Your Future Summary

The Truth About Your Future Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Money Guide You Need Now, Later, and Much Later Work now, money later, right? Well, not quite! The future is not so predictable anymore. The exponential concept is really threatening to destroy different mindsets and notions collected through the ages. In this book summary, you’ll get introduced to a relatively new […]

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