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Category: Business Essentials

Dare to Disagree Summary

Dare to Disagree Summary

3 min read ⌚  Stop avoiding conflict. Welcome it. “Dare to Disagree.” About Margaret Heffernan Margaret Heffernan is a corporate speaker and a former CEO of a few e-commerce companies. “Dare to Disagree Summary” During the 1950s, Dr Alice Stewart, provoked by the increasing incidents of childhood cancers, decided to examine them. Her studies resulted […]

True Professionalism Summary

True Professionalism Summary

3 min read ⌚  The Courage to Care About Your People, Your Clients, and Your Career It is time you built a career out of your job by practicing “True Professionalism.” About David H. Maister David H. Maister is an author, a consultant, a former professor at the Harvard Business School and a founder of […]

First, Break All the Rules Summary First Break All the Rules Summary

First, Break All the Rules Summary

5 min read ⌚ What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently When you want to learn something, it’s always a good idea to learn from the most thorough. In the world of management, that title belongs to Marcus Buckingham. Co-authored with Curt Coffman, “First, Break All the Rules” is a first-rate management classic. Let’s find out […]

Den of Thieves Summary Den of Thieves Summary

Den of Thieves Summary

4 min read ⌚ Greed Is Good James B. Stewart’s “Den of Thieves” reads like a novel. For better or for worse, it’s not. It’s a nonfiction story about the depths of human greed. And you’ll enjoy its summary. About James B. Stewart James B. Stewart is a former editor of “The Wall Street Journal” and […]

Built for Growth Summary Built for Growth Summary

Built for Growth Summary

4 min read ⌚  Expanding Your Business Around the Corner or Across the Globe The only book written by Arthur Rubinfeld, the creative mastermind behind Starbucks’ success, “Built for Growth” is one of the best guidebooks for creating, managing and expanding a brand presence in the retail market world. The book focuses on the four […]

Management Summary

Management Summary

4 min read ⌚ Management is a topic that is widely discussed and written about. However, we are proposing that you drink the wisdom directly from the source: Peter F. Drucker, otherwise known as “the founding father of the study of management.” Who Should Read “Management”? And Why? Peter F. Drucker has written more than 34 […]

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