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Category: Health & Happiness

Happiness Summary

Happiness Summary

5 min read ⌚ Lessons from a New Science Speaking of Happiness will always be a topic that can cause an stress and anxiety. If you haven’t got a clue on how to reach it, stick with us! Who Should Read “Happiness”? And Why? Each individual differently understands happiness, it all depends on you. Richard Layard […]

Paradoxical Thinking Summary

Paradoxical Thinking Summary

5 min read ⌚ How to Profit from Your Contradictions An irrational consistency is the embodiment of uneducated minds. If you are keen to make sense of paradoxical methods, you should give this book a try. Who Should Read “Paradoxical Thinking”? And Why? Are you a brave person, or you advocate for averageness?  The answer shapes […]

The Power of Less Summary

The Power of Less Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential…in Business and in Life People are exposed to wrong theories which promote a fast life-tempo. It is possible to seize control over your life and become a happy person with less is a mystery. Who Should Read “The Power of Less”? And Why? […]

Success is a Journey Summary

Success is a Journey Summary

5 min read ⌚ 7 Steps to Achieving Success in the Business of Life First of all, what is a success? Is it a destination or a journey? Every person understands life differently, but the key elements of success remain exactly the same. We outline the book in a nutshell and describe the features for reaching success: […]

Make Your Own Luck Summary

Make Your Own Luck Summary

5 min read ⌚ Success Tactics You’ll Never Learn in Business School If you want to seize an opportunity, you cannot avoid the risk. Gain and risk are two parallel concepts that work inseparably. In this short book summary, we’ll introduce you to the basics of “Luckiness”. Who Should Read “Make Your Own Luck”? And Why? […]

How to Win Friends and Influence People Summary

How to Win Friends and Influence People Summary

16 min read ⌚  The Only Book You Need to Lead You to Success Are you set for life and prosperity? Do you have something on your mind? We briefly summarize and present one extraordinary classic written by Dale Carnegie. Who Should Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”? And Why? Dale certainly doesn’t […]

Eat That Frog Summary

Eat That Frog Summary

5 min read ⌚ 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time The battle for happiness unfolds on many battlefields. If you plan on coming out victorious, several principles must be followed. Our book summary presents these concepts, in an easily-digestible form !! Who Should Read “Eat That Frog”? And Why? […]

Selfish Gene Summary

Selfish Gene Summary

5 min read ⌚  “The Selfish Gene” intends to educate the population, about the only thing that connects us as beings on Earth – Genes. To sum up, the book covers different aspects of the human evolution including physical attributes, genes, inheritance, what is the human’s role among other living creatures, our ancestors, etc. Who […]

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