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Search Results for: leadership books

The Art of the Start Summary

The Art of the Start Summary

9 min read ⌚ Keep in touch with reality. Stay focused on science, but put your ideas into practice as you are an artist. These should be the prerequisite for any start-up business. Any step you make in implementing your business ideas should be done with wisdom, but also with talent and creativity.  ENTREPRENEURSHIP / THE ART OF THE START […]

Managing Conflict Summary Managing Conflict

Managing Conflict Summary

6 min read ⌚ A Practical Guide to Resolution in the Workplace Managing employees is a difficult job. And sometimes even having a justified reason to dismiss an employee may not be enough since it’s still unfair if you don’t use the correct procedures. The best way to avoid all that – preventive mediation. David Liddle […]

Reengineering the Corporation Summary Reengineering the Corporation

Reengineering the Corporation Summary

7 min read ⌚ A Manifesto for Business Revolution You want to make your company more successful? How about reimagining it from scratch? “Reengineering the Corporation” offers a blueprint. Who Should Read “Reengineering the Corporation”? And Why? “Reengineering the Corporation” was probably “the most successful business book of the last decade,” so people interested in business management […]

Celebration of Discipline Summary

Celebration of Discipline Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Path to Spiritual Growth Whether we like it or not, we are all on the same journey. Each person is trying to get at least a slight portion of the universal energy in order to refill its internal-batteries. In this book summary, we encapsulate all the main findings, which would hopefully […]

How to Thrive As a Highly Sensitive Person Summary

How to Thrive As a Highly Sensitive Person Summary

5 min read ⌚ It can be your greatest strength in work and love What is your stimulus to keep going and fight for what you love? Once we begin to loosen our grip on prejudices and shallow patterns, a new person is born. In this book summary, we outline the pros and cons of Highly […]

The Future Is History Summary

The Future Is History Summary

6 min read ⌚ How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia Is the Russian Federation genuinely leaning towards democracy or are we witnessing yet another dictator shooting for the stars? Stay tuned, for more! Who Should Read “The Future Is History”? And Why? Perhaps, this book won’t seem too appealing for those who have no interest in politics whatsoever. […]

Business Strategy Summary

Business Strategy Summary

5 min read ⌚ What differentiates successful leaders and companies from unsuccessful ones? What is the road you need to take in order to achieve all you strive for? Today, we will try to give you the answer. Who Should Read “Business Strategy”? And Why? “Business Strategy” is a book about, just as the title states, […]

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