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Search Results for: leadership books

A Year with Peter Drucker Summary

A Year with Peter Drucker Summary

4 min read ⌚ 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness The strange thing about leadership is – that it started even before we became aware of it. Our ancestors used to gather in groups, whereby one or several persons dominated the discussion. This early form of management represents the foundation for what we have today. […]

21 Days to a Big Idea Summary

21 Days to a Big Idea Summary

4 min read ⌚ Creating Breakthrough Business Concepts Don’t try to save the world! In this book summary, we reveal some great ways to cash-in your passion and more. Who Should Read “21 Days to a Big Idea”? And Why? Years and years of advancement has put the humankind in a position, where we can say […]

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

Things a Little Bird Told Me Summary

5 min read ⌚  Confessions of the Creative Mind OK, we’re not going to lie to you: you’ve heard this story once before! “Things a Little Bird Told Me” is the story of Twitter afresh! The difference in the case of this book is that, unlike “Hatching Twitter,” it’s written by someone who knew the […]

12 Summary

12 Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Elements of Great Managing The 12 principles are perfectly intertwined and integrated into one system. Each one clarifies the connection between the management and the employees in terms of providing enough support to fulfill the daily activities.   Who Should Read “12”? And Why? Proficient management doesn’t serve as a guarantee […]

Focus Summary

Focus Summary

18 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: Has attention become the scarcest resource these days? This is the fundamental theme of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, by author Daniel Goleman. The answer is simple. Yes, paying attention is a forgotten but increasingly valuable skill. As the world rapidly evolves, it becomes increasingly easy to distract, isolate, and […]

The Evolution of Everything Summary The Evolution of Everything Summary

The Evolution of Everything Summary

6 min read ⌚  How New Ideas Emerge, aka How Small Things Transform the World By now, you already know that evolution is how all life came to be on this planet. What you don’t know is that evolution may be responsible for everything else, whether it’s language or government. Don’t believe us? Why don’t […]

The One Minute Manager Summary The One Minute Manager Summary

The One Minute Manager Summary

13 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: The bestseller ‘The One Minute Manager’ is an easy-to-read book that presents and illustrates how to use three practical managerial techniques: setting goals, praising positive behaviors, and reprimanding negative ones. It also includes many behavioral studies and helps the reader understand how these practices can help improve communication and relationships in or […]

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