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Tag: Book summary

Case Interview Secrets Summary

Case Interview Secrets Summary

5 min read ⌚ A Former McKinsey Interviewer Reveals How to Get Multiple Job Offers in Consulting You always wanted to work as a consultant. And now you are invited for an interview. Or, you just went to an interview, and you failed badly. Then, you are in the right place. Our summary of “Case Interview […]

The Rise of Superman Summary

The Rise of Superman Summary

5 min read ⌚ Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance Do you wonder how some people, like the extreme athletes, do things that most humans would consider impossible? That is exactly what we talk about in our summary of Steven Kotler’s “The Rise of Superman.” Moreover, by using the presentation of their experience, you will learn […]

Five Minds for the Future Summary

Five Minds for the Future Summary

5 min read ⌚ The future was always subjected to lots of questions. To quench the thirst of these passionate individuals, Howard in the 80s started sharing his revelations on intelligence with the world. In this short but all-encompassing book summary, we’ll try to dispatch a message to the world and hopefully, receive positive feedback. Who […]

The Geography of Genius Summary The Geography of Genius Summary

The Geography of Genius Summary

6 min read ⌚  A Search for the World’s Most Creative Places From Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley Are you ready to travel around the world in… well, 400 pages and few days? No? What about in thousand words and merely ten minutes? Sounds better, we know. So, without a further ado, the summary of […]

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary

5 min read ⌚  Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators Have you ever felt like you don’t belong anywhere on this planet? Or daydreamed that there are other people like you and that some of them have succeeded? Have you ever wanted to meet them and get some guidance from them? Well, Chris Brogan […]

The Evolution of Everything Summary The Evolution of Everything Summary

The Evolution of Everything Summary

6 min read ⌚  How New Ideas Emerge, aka How Small Things Transform the World By now, you already know that evolution is how all life came to be on this planet. What you don’t know is that evolution may be responsible for everything else, whether it’s language or government. Don’t believe us? Why don’t […]

The Challenger Sale DEFINITIVE Summary The Challenger Sale Summary

The Challenger Sale DEFINITIVE Summary

14 min read ⌚  Taking Control of the Customer Conversation If you’re in the business world long enough, you’re probably aware that the fundamental rule of sales success is simple: the customer is always right. Consequently, the job of a salesperson is fairly simple as well: he or she needs to build a good relationship […]

The Tipping Point Summary The Tipping Point Summary

The Tipping Point Summary

14 min read ⌚ How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Some say that significant changes don’t happen abruptly. For example, there are internal mechanisms which regulate if the name of a certain actress will become a popular choice among parents or not. However, Malcolm Gladwell is more a butterfly-effect kind of a sociologist. In […]

The One Minute Manager Summary The One Minute Manager Summary

The One Minute Manager Summary

13 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: The bestseller ‘The One Minute Manager’ is an easy-to-read book that presents and illustrates how to use three practical managerial techniques: setting goals, praising positive behaviors, and reprimanding negative ones. It also includes many behavioral studies and helps the reader understand how these practices can help improve communication and relationships in or […]

The Wisdom of Psychopaths Summary

The Wisdom of Psychopaths Summary

5 min read ⌚ What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success The title of this summary is self-explanatory. In the following pages of our “The Wisdom of Psychopaths” summary, we will teach you that psychopaths are not always as you imagine them to be. We will further present the traits that psychopaths […]

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