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Category: Business Essentials

Selling the Invisible Summary

Selling the Invisible Summary

4 min read ⌚ A Field Guide to Modern Marketing Do we have palls in this business world? The business community doesn’t feel sorry for the participants. In this book summary, we explain how it all started, and where is this going. Who Should Read “Selling the Invisible”? And Why? Taking into consideration the intense competition […]

How to Win at the Sport of Business Summary

How to Win at the Sport of Business Summary

5 min read ⌚ If I Can Do It, You Can Do It If you are not a person who likes playing by the rules, then you are in the right place. In our summary of “How to Win at the Sport of Business,” we give you an overview of the unconventional advice on surviving and […]

Case Interview Secrets Summary

Case Interview Secrets Summary

5 min read ⌚ A Former McKinsey Interviewer Reveals How to Get Multiple Job Offers in Consulting You always wanted to work as a consultant. And now you are invited for an interview. Or, you just went to an interview, and you failed badly. Then, you are in the right place. Our summary of “Case Interview […]

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary

The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth Summary

5 min read ⌚  Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators Have you ever felt like you don’t belong anywhere on this planet? Or daydreamed that there are other people like you and that some of them have succeeded? Have you ever wanted to meet them and get some guidance from them? Well, Chris Brogan […]

The Tipping Point Summary The Tipping Point Summary

The Tipping Point Summary

14 min read ⌚ How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Some say that significant changes don’t happen abruptly. For example, there are internal mechanisms which regulate if the name of a certain actress will become a popular choice among parents or not. However, Malcolm Gladwell is more a butterfly-effect kind of a sociologist. In […]

The Millionaire Fastlane Summary

The Millionaire Fastlane Summary

5 min read ⌚ Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime. If you are already exhausted by the 40-hour workweek, DeMarco offers a solution. Regarding prosperity, the world displays same possibilities for each and every one! Who Should Read “The Millionaire Fastlane”? And Why? In the world of countless wars, mind games […]

The Now Habit Summary

The Now Habit Summary

5 min read ⌚ A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play Have you ever been on the verge of defeat? – If you answer is Yes – that’s fine if it’s No, you are lying. In either case, we summarize only the most essential topics that can give you the inner edge to […]

The Death of Money Summary

The Death of Money Summary

5 min read ⌚ The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System Cracks in the economy are characteristic for every country. You cannot escape the massive impact of potential crashes and collapses. In today’s book summary, we outline why and how should the world solve such pressing matters. Who Should Read “The Death of Money”? And […]

So Good They Can’t Ignore You Summary

So Good They Can’t Ignore You Summary

4 min read ⌚ Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love People will not stop telling you to follow your passion. It is a romantic notion, really, but it is always smart? In our summary of “So Good, They Can’t Ignore You” we tell you why following your passion is not always […]

Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary

Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary

5 min read ⌚  Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success Nowadays, it’s all about winning. Life is a competition and you’re nobody if you don’t win once in a while. Now, who would you rather have educating you how to win: a regular teacher or an Olympic gold medalist? “Will It Make the Boat Go Faster” […]

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