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Category: Business Essentials

Trendology Summary Trendology Summary

Trendology Summary

5 min read ⌚  Building an Advantage through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: everything is marketing nowadays! Whether it’s permission marketing, Facebook marketing, blog marketing, micromarketing, or marketing 3.0 – it seems like it’s the ultimate profession nowadays! It’s the age of “how” – and not “what”! The […]

Turn the Ship Around Summary Turn the Ship Around Summary

Turn the Ship Around Summary

5 min read ⌚ A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders Wouldn’t it be great if everybody in the world has equal chances and opportunities? And wouldn’t it be even better if there are no rigid hierarchies, so that you can be both a leader and a follower, depending on the situation? Of course, it […]

The Psychology of Winning Summary The Psychology of Winning Summary

The Psychology of Winning Summary

5 min read ⌚ Ten Qualities of a Total Winner Ever noticed how the people who have really succeeded in life resemble each other? And not just a little, might we add! Whether you’re listening to one successful TV show host or another, to a basketball player or a golfer, to a famous CEO or a […]

The Wealthy Freelancer Summary The Wealthy Freelancer Summary

The Wealthy Freelancer Summary

6 min read ⌚  12 Secrets to a Great Income and an Enviable Lifestyle If one could choose, choosing to be your own boss is probably something of a no-brainer. You can decide who to work with and when, and even how much you’ll earn. Then, why isn’t everybody a freelancer? There are many possible […]

Hatching Twitter Summary Hatching Twitter

Hatching Twitter Summary

7 min read ⌚  How a Fledgling Startup Became a Multibillion-Dollar Business & Accidentally Changed the World, aka A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, & Betrayal “It’s good to have friends in business” – a famous maxim claims – “but you shouldn’t go into business with your friends.” You can learn this the easy […]

10 Days to Faster Reading Summary 10 Days to Faster Reading Summary

10 Days to Faster Reading Summary

11 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: We are addicted to books (did you ever imagine that?) here. Abby Marks-Beale’s 10-day quicker book is an excellent guide for anyone who wants to finish up that long-awaited reading list, or Kindle and, of course, the 12min summaries. The goal is to read at high speed while maintaining high levels […]

How to Read a Book Summary How to Read a Book Summary

How to Read a Book Summary

18 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: Have you read a whole book and then realized you didn’t understand anything? A lot of people have gone through this too! And most of the time, we blame the author, do not we? But the reality is that often, we do not know how to read correctly! The Classic Guide […]

The Alchemy of Finance Summary

The Alchemy of Finance Summary

4 min read ⌚ Reading the Mind of the Market Forget everything you learned about markets. In our summary of “The Alchemy of Finance” by George Soros, we let you look into the mind of the billionaire, who looks at markets differently than most people do. Maybe that is the road to success: adopting a new […]

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