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Category: Human Resources

The Leadership Pipeline Summary

The Leadership Pipeline Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Build the Leadership Powered Company The Leadership Pipeline is a practical piece of material, which underlines the obstacles a person must overcome in order to find itself in the desired position or role as a leader. We move gradually and outline several principles in this summary, to help you […]

Secrets of Power Negotiating Summary

Secrets of Power Negotiating Summary

5 min read ⌚ Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator Schh, let us tell you a secret. In negotiations, there’s no such thing as a win-win situation. It is a myth rarely materialized in reality. You live your life continually negotiating: a better salary, a better price for the car you want, a lower price for […]

Power Mentoring Summary

Power Mentoring Summary

5 min read ⌚ How Successful Mentors and Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships Let’s separate ordinary mentoring concept and the more unfamiliar “power mentoring” which allows access to an entire network other, unlike the traditional one which is based on one-on-one interaction. Who Should Read “Power Mentoring”? And Why? People with a passion […]

Managers as Mentors Summary

Managers as Mentors Summary

5 min read ⌚ Mentoring is like parenting due to the involvement in the wisdom sharing process. Who Should Read “Managers as Mentors”? And Why? “Managers as Mentors” is a wonderful “teacher” that shares some ideas about mentorship, as a concept of improving end-to-end processes. In other words, it consists of first-class examples which are supported […]

Mentoring in Action Summary

Mentoring in Action Summary

4 min read ⌚ A Practical Guide for Managers The idea of creating a culture that cultivates mentoring is still relatively new. Different companies and organizations have differed mentoring needs, and coaching frameworks are diverse to a certain extent. However, the base of these mentoring schemes consists of a few standard components. Who Should Read “Mentoring […]

101 Ways to Power Up Your Job Search Summary

101 Ways to Power Up Your Job Search Summary

5 min read ⌚ Times change. Jobs change. Requirements change. So, set aside musings of the old ways of conducting job hunts, and start thinking about a strategic approach to searching for employment. Who Should Read “101 Ways to Power Up Your Job Search”? And Why? “101 Ways to Power Up Your Job Search” is made […]

Effective Internal Communication Summary

Effective Internal Communication Summary

4 min read ⌚ Internal communication has had many names over the years, depending on the stage of evolution of communication between employees and management the corporate world was at. It was called “staff or employee communication,” “leadership communication,” “industrial relations,” and “change management.” Who Should Read “Effective Internal Communication”? And Why? However, the result is […]

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