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Tag: Book summary

Unlimited Memory Summary Unlimited Memory Summary

Unlimited Memory Summary

5 min read ⌚  How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and Be More Productive Remember that time we talked about the differences between short-term and long-term memory? Sure, you don’t. We had to check too! And we wrote that article! “Unlimited Memory” is written by someone who remembers not only […]

Why is Sex Fun Summary Why is Sex Fun Summary

Why is Sex Fun Summary

6 min read ⌚ The Evolution of Human Sexuality “Why Is Sex Fun?” is a book about sex! That’s it: you’re all hooked up now! We’re gussing there’s no need for an introductory paragraph. Who Should Read “Why is Sex Fun”? And Why? A good way to answer this question is by giving an answer to […]

Where Good Ideas Come From Summary

Where Good Ideas Come From Summary

12 min read ⌚  MicroSummary: The pencil, the toilet flush, the battery. Have you stopped to think where all these good ideas come from? In what kind of environment are they born? What sparks these disruptions? Steven Johnson explores this in the book “Where Good Ideas Come From” and identifies seven patterns that drive real innovation. […]

Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary

Will It Make the Boat Go Faster Summary

5 min read ⌚  Olympic-winning Strategies for Everyday Success Nowadays, it’s all about winning. Life is a competition and you’re nobody if you don’t win once in a while. Now, who would you rather have educating you how to win: a regular teacher or an Olympic gold medalist? “Will It Make the Boat Go Faster” […]

Without You There Is No Us Summary Without You There Is No Us Summary

Without You There Is No Us Summary

5 min read ⌚  Undercover Among the Sons of North Korea’s Elite If you’ve ever read Orwell’s “1984,” you’ve probably raged more than once at the Orwellian nature of today’s world. Just wait till you hear a thing or two about North Korea! After reading the summary of “Without You There Is No Us”, instead […]

Thoughts Without a Thinker Summary Thoughts Without a Thinker Summary

Thoughts Without a Thinker Summary

6 min read ⌚  Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective The Ancient Greeks had a saying: “wisdom arises from suffering.” Unlike them who debated its veracity, about the same time far on the East, Gautama Buddha was convinced that, behind it, a great truth about man’s existence lies hidden. So, he made this saying the key […]

Trendology Summary Trendology Summary

Trendology Summary

5 min read ⌚  Building an Advantage through Data-Driven Real-Time Marketing We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: everything is marketing nowadays! Whether it’s permission marketing, Facebook marketing, blog marketing, micromarketing, or marketing 3.0 – it seems like it’s the ultimate profession nowadays! It’s the age of “how” – and not “what”! The […]

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